
301 13 0

June 19th 2021

It's currently 2:38 in the afternoon. It's sunny, I think.
I haven't left my bedroom today. I've been throwing up all morning. Too scared to leave my bed in case I throw up more.

Corbyn took Ashton out for the afternoon. He came by this morning and saw how I looked, so he offer to take Ashton so I could rest.

I've been laying in bed for hours, I haven't eaten anything in case I get sick.

I'm laying in bed when I hear a knock on the door. I don't get out of bed, hoping they'll just go away.

The knocks continue and get louder by the second.

Finally they stop but my phone starts to ring. I pick up my phone and see Jack, trying to FaceTime. I answer the call but leave the phone facing the ceiling, so he can't see me.

"Hey baby, are you not home?" He asks and I nod, until I realize he can't see me

"Yeah, I'm home" My voice comes out raspy, from throwing up all morning

"What's wrong hun? I tried knocking on the door but no one answered"

"Are you still here? I'll come let you in" I get out of bed, and slide my wig on

"Yeah, I'll meet you at the door" He says before hanging up.

I slowly leave my room and I sit down on the stairs, sliding down each step so I don't run out of breath. I walk over to the door and let Jack in.

He gets a huge smile across his face and hugs me tight.

I should be happy to see him, I should be smiling, but I'm not. I feel horrible, I should be able to tell him that and tell him what's been going on with me but I can't.

He pulls out of the hug and sees I don't look happy.

"What's wrong baby? I thought you'd be happy to see me" He says walking us over to the couch to sit down

"I am happy, I've just been sick all morning" I sigh, resting my head on his shoulder

"Where's Ash? I can take her for the night so you can sleep" He says and I shake my head

"Corbyn took her for the afternoon, but thank you for the offer" I smile, grabbing on to Jack's hand

"Has he been coming around a lot lately?" Jack asks, I sit up straight, taking my head off his shoulder

"Only the last few days, when you asked him to come shopping with me, why?" He let's go of my hand

"Has he been flirting with you?" He asks in an annoyed tone

"No, Jack, he has a girlfriend, and I have you" I smile but he doesn't smile back

"They broke up, and why did you say it like that?"

"Say it like what?" I ask as Jack stands up, leaving the living room

"You have me. Do you not like me?" Jack asks putting his shoes on.

I quickly walk over to him to stop him from leaving but I get up too fast and walk too quickly. I feel myself getting light headed, so my first instinct is to sit down so I sit down on the floor in front of Jack. I put my head down and cup my hands around my nose and mouth.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks looking at me.

"Baby?" He asks again.

"Hey, focus on me, remember? Look at me, please" I look up at Jack, with tears now running down my face and I see him kneeling in front of me.

He shouldn't be with me. I'm such a mess. I'm just dragging him down. This cancer is going to take us both down if I'm not careful.

"Are you okay?" Jack asks kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah, I'm sorry" Jack holds out his hand, to help me stand up, and I take it

"You have no reason to be sorry, okay?" Jack pulls me into a hug and I hug him back just a little tighter.

"I love you" I whisper into his chest, partially hoping he doesn't hear me, but mainly hoping that he does

"What?" Jack asks pulling out of the hug but still holding me close

"Umm.. nothing, how was Hawaii?" I ask as I start to panic

"It was good, what did you say?" He asks again with a smirk on his face

"I'm sorry" I sigh, looking down. This is so embarrassing.

Jack picks up my chin with his fist and leans in, placing a soft passionate kiss on my lips. When he pulls away, he's got the biggest smile on his face

"I love you too"

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