
341 13 1

May 31st 2021

Hey again. It's currently 3:39 in the afternoon. It's brightly sunny out but the sun is already starting to go down.
I'm overly exhausted, more than normal. I've been throwing up nonstop all day today and I can't seem to get myself out of bed unless I'm in the bathroom, throwing up.

My mother came to get Ashton around 11 this morning, it was weird, she offered to take her since I didn't feel well. She's never been to my house before either, so it was weird that I didn't have to drop off Ashton.

I've been sitting on my bathroom floor, in my sweatpants and large hoodie, reading my new John Green book, Looking For Alaska.

I haven't felt well enough to leave the bathroom, scared I'll throw up if I make any sudden movements.

As I'm finishing up chapter seven, I hear a hard knock on the door. I groan and slowly start standing up to go answer it.

As I'm leaving my bedroom, I grab a black beanie and slide it over my bald head. Luckily I still have my eyebrows drawn on from this morning, when my mother stopped by.

I make it down the stairs and shuffle my way to the door, taking deep breaths from the exhaustion of just going down the steps. I open the door slowly


I immediately slam the door in Jack's face. I forgot about our date!!

"One second!" I yell and grab my wig off the kitchen counter, throwing my beanie onto the sofa in the living room and put the wig on as fast as I can.

I check myself out in the mirror I keep beside my door, making sure my wig is on right, then slowly open the door.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jack asks with a chuckle.

Jack pulls out beautiful red roses from behind his back and hands them to me as I let him in the door

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I forgot about our date. These are beautiful, by the way" I smile, walking into my kitchen to put the flowers in a vase.

I look over at Jack and he's wearing a pair of black jeans with a few rips in the knees, a nice white shirt with a black jean jacket over top.

"We can reschedule, if you'd like"

I immediately feel guilt wash over me

"No no, just let me get changed" I walk over and kiss his cheek before heading up the stairs to change.

I put on a pair of light wash jeans and a black crop top hoodie. I throw on a yellow beanie and grab my small black bag to throw all my necessities in.

I slowly walk back down the stairs to see Jack leaning against my kitchen counter, playing on his phone. I take a few deep breaths at the bottom of the stairs before walking over to him.

"Ready to go?" I ask and he looks up and smiles, showing off his perfect teeth. He slides his phone in his pocket before grabbing my hand

"Wow, you look beautiful" He says causing me to blush. "Alright, Let's go"

We walk out to his car, and he opens the passenger side door for me before rushing over to his side to drive. Jack pulls out of my driveway and rests his hand on my thigh.

"So.. where are we going?" I ask knowing we aren't dressed for anything fancy

"Well, I remember you told me that you loved painting, but you never get time to do it anymore" Jack says with a smile on his face

"Okay?.." I reply, trying to figure out where this is going.

"So, we're here" He says stopping the car and shutting it off. I look out the window and smile

"A painting class?" I ask with a giggle

"Not just any painting class" He says getting out of the car and coming to open my door. He holds his hand out for me to take. "It's a Bob Ross painting class" He says with a chuckle.

We walk inside the painting studio, hand in hand. Jack pulls out my little bar stool in front of an empty canvas and he sits beside me. Jack scoots his things closer to me, but we turn to face each other, to reveal our paintings to each other at the end.

Jack and I have the best time, I completely forget about how nauseous I was and just got lost in my time with Jack.

It was finally time to reveal our paintings to each other and I was quite nervous. I haven't painted in months.

"Ready?" I ask holding my painting close

"Okay, on three?" Jack asks with such a wide smile

"1...2...3!" Jack and I shout together and both flip the paintings around.

I can't help by laugh when I see Jack's.
I mean, at least he tried!

"Hey! Why are you laughing?" Jack says looking at his painting then laughing with me.

"What's that supposed to be?" I ask pointing at a large brown blob in the middle of his painting

"That's the cabin!" He says laughing

"I like it though, it's cute baby" I say with a smile, still admiring his work of art

"Baby?" Jack asks with an eyebrow raised and a slight smirk

"Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"No, I like it" He says softly, placing a hand on my cheek, leaning forward and places a soft kiss on my lips. As he pulls away, we both have the biggest smiles on our faces.

"Okay, but look at your painting! It looks better than the Bob man did himself!" Jack says trying to hype me up. I laugh as he grabs my hand and we walk outside to his car

"I think it's only fair, we make a little trade, something to remember this wonderful date we had" Jack says opening the door for me again.

He's such a gentleman.

He closes my door, places our paintings in the trunk of his car. He rushes into his side of the car and laughs

"How about we trade pictures, you take mine and I'll take yours" He says with the cutest smile I've seen all night and his eyes glimmer in the city street lights.

"I like the sound of that"

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