Twenty Four

294 11 2

July 18th 2021

Hey. It's currently 11:34 in the morning. It's grossly sunny. The sun shining throughout the boldly white room makes it worse.
Waking up in the hospital isn't how I'd choose my mornings to start, but it's something I got to get used to at the rate this is going.

I'm officially 23.
What a great way to start my birthday.
In the hospital, alone.

Corbyn must've went home last night. I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to spend the night on that couch either.

I grab my phone to look at the time, and see 12 missed calls from Jack, and almost 25 texts from him as well.

I go to call him back until I hear a knock on the door. It slowly opens to reveal Corbyn walking in with coffee.

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?" He asks with a wide smile, handing me a coffee

"Good, I think. Did you sleep here?"

"I did. Never again, that couch is horrible" He chuckles, pulling up a chair beside my bed.

"The doctors going to come in to talk to you, then we're free to go home" I nod

"Did, um, did you call Jack?" I look down at my hands, not really knowing if I want to know the answer

"Yeah, we talked for a bit"

"Did he come by?" I shake my head, trying to stop myself from getting any tears

"No, I'm sorry"

I squeeze my eyes shut, finally allowing tears to fall. He didn't even come to check to see if I was okay.

Maybe he really doesn't love me as much as I love him. If he even loves me at all.

Corbyn gets out of his chair, coming to sit on my bed with me. He wraps his arms around me, allowing me to cry into his chest.

"I can't believe he didn't come. Am I not good enough? Did he not-"

"No, don't think like that. Look, Y/n, he loves you, he just-"

"Am I interrupting?" Corbyn and I jump, as we look towards the door, seeing Dr. Katz.

"No, come in"

I nod my head, agreeing with Corbyn. The doctor comes into the room as Corbyn gets out of my bed and sits down in the chair he was in previously.

"It's safe to say, there's not much more we can do for you. I can up the mediation you're on, so it'll cut down on the coughing but it'll still be there. I'm sorry Y/n"

I nod my head, agreeing that I understand. Corbyn grabs my hand, slowly rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of it.

"Can I go home now?" I whisper

"Of course, let me get your discharge papers ready, then you're free to leave" Dr. Katz heads back to the door looking at his papers, then stops, spinning his heels around to look at me again. "And happy birthday"

"Thank you Doctor" I smile as he walks out of the room

"It's your birthday?! Why didn't you tell me?! Does Jack know?"

"I didn't tell anyone because I don't celebrate it. I've been alone since I turned 19, it's not a big deal anymore.. and no, he doesn't know"

"I'll be right back, I gotta go make a phone call" Corbyn says, standing up, pulling out his phone

"Please, no parties"

"No parties, got it" He smiles but I roll my eyes.

Corbyn heads out of the room, but keeps the door open. I can see him holding his phone up, but he's not talking yet.

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