
375 13 0

May 24th 2021

Hey. It's 10:27 in the morning. Slightly cloudy, but still a hot day.
I'm exhausted. I'm warn out but I'm fighting. I've lost 9 pounds since chemo on Thursday and it really shows. I wanted to relax in bed all day, watching movies with Ashton, but Jack called, inviting us to the beach. We'll see how this goes.

I've got a white sundress on, with my white sandals to match. My black bikini on underneath, Ashton's wearing one that matches. I've got the same black wig, with a black bucket hat on and my big sunglasses.

Ashton's holding one hand while I have our beach stuff in the other.

We walk along the beach until I see a gorgeous looking Jack with his little girl.

Jack's shirtless, with blue swim shorts on. His short brown hair is wet and messy, he's got a pair of black sunglasses on. Little Lavender's got a blue sparkly bikini on.

Jack sees us walking and waves me over.

"Hi Y/n, Hi little Ashton" Jack says walking over to hug me

"Hey Jack, Hi Lavender" I say as Ashton runs to give Lavender a hug.

I set down a blanket beside Jack's stuff. I put the towels on the blanket, along with my bag.

"Can we go in the water mommy?" Ashton says pulling on my hand

"Of course baby. We aren't going too deep in, okay?" I tell her and she nods her head.

I take off my dress and I feel eyes burning into my skin. I look up and see Jack staring at me with a wide smile on his face. I laugh and he quickly looks away.

I pick up Ashton and Jack grabs Lavender. I slowly walk into the water with Ashton in my arms, I get about knee deep when I turn around to see Jack and Lavender just a few feet behind us. I keep going until it's just past my waist and wait for Jack.

I dangle Ashton's legs in and she bursts into a fit of giggles. Jack walks up beside us and smiles.

"I'm sorry" Jack says, and I give him a confused look

"For what?" I ask and he smiles.

Jack immediately splashes water all over Ashton and I. Ashton laughs but I'm immediately filled with anger.

This wig is expensive, it's not supposed to get wet.

"Jack! Seriously? I don't want to get my hair wet! What's wrong with you?" I ask grabbing Ashton close again and walking towards the shore.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Why'd you come to the beach if you didn't want to get wet?" Jack asks following me out of the water

"Mommy! Take your hair off, then we can swim" Ashton says innocently

"Take your hair off? What does she mean?" Jack asks and I mentally face palm.

This is not when or where I want him to find out.

"Nothing Jack, don't worry about it" I say with a fake smile, putting Ashton down on the blanket.

Just as Jack was about to open his mouth, we hear girls screaming. Jack rolls his eyes then looks towards where the screaming came from. Next thing I know, four screaming girls run over to Jack, asking for pictures and autographs.

After about ten minutes or so of Jack talking with those girls, and me watching Ashton and Lavender, Jack sits down beside us and sighs

"Sorry about that" Jack says starting to play with Lavender

"What was that about?" I ask, looking over to him

"Nothing, don't worry about it" He says, almost imitating me.

There's definitely something Jack isn't telling me, and I'm going to find out eventually.

"Sorry for getting mad earlier, I just don't like getting my hair wet" I say looking over to Ashton, playing in the sand

"Do you have extensions or something? I know girls who have them but don't like getting them wet, which I find super weird, but hey, it's a girl thing" He laughs and I shake my head

"Yeah, something like that"

"Well, if it means anything, I'm really sorry for getting you wet" Jack says putting his hand on top of mine,

I blush, but look away before he can notice

"It's fine, I shouldn't have gotten so mad"

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