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*Jack POV*


I look to see where the yelling is coming from. I see Corbyn bent down next to Y/n.

"Mom, call an ambulance!"

I run back over to Y/n with my mom running behind me.

"What happened?" I bend down beside Corbyn

"I don't know, she just collapsed when I was walking over"

A small crowd starts to form around us as everyone from the wedding realizes what's going on.

Corbyn directs everyone to stay back

"Come on, we need to get her to the house, the ambulance is on it's way" My mom whispers to me.

I pick Y/n up, carrying her to the house with tears falling down my face like a waterfall.

This isn't how I wanted the wedding to go.
No one wanted things to go this way.

I hold her tight until the paramedics arrive. They place her on a stretcher putting her in the back of the ambulance.

"We'll meet you there" Corbyn says patting my back.

I nod before jumping in the ambulance and driving full speed to the hospital.

Once we get to the hospital, I get sent straight to the waiting room. All I can do is sit here and pray that she's okay.

That's my wife in there, she has to be okay.

I really can't live without her.

"Jack?" I look up seeing Zach.

I stand up, wiping my eyes on my suit jacket.

Zach runs to me, giving me a hug. I break down again. I don't even know what to do with myself.

"Any word?" Jonah asks as we pull out of the hug.

"No, she's only been back there for an hour or so"

We all sit down, the boys congratulate me on getting married and we joke about who's getting married next but even with joking around, I can't seem to smile for longer than a few seconds.

"For Y/n Y/l/n?"

The boys and I stand up walking over, and I realize how crazy we probably look still in our suits.

"It's actually Y/n Avery now" Daniel says putting a hand on my shoulder. I'll admit that makes me smile.

"And you're the husband then?" The doctor asks looking at me

"Yes sir"

"Could I talk to you alone for a moment?" He asks and you could hear me gulp down.

"Um, yes sir" I look back at the boys and they all give me reassuring looks but none of them look convincing.

The doctor starts to walk so I slowly follow behind. He stops at a little office and sits at a chair behind the desk. He motions for me to sit across from him and I do.

The vibe in the room immediately turns, almost disappointing

"Is she okay?" I whisper

"Um, I'm going to be honest here. No, she's not. Her body is shutting down, her body seemed to have been shutting down for the last day or so"

I freeze.
Tears start pouring down my face again.

This is it.

I didn't think it'd come this soon.

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