In trouble

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"I said spy on them not kill them!"

Alexander Pierce walks into the room, removing his sunglasses to reveal eyes full of rage.

"He's still alive," responds Bucky arrogantly, "They all are."

Alexander slowly steps up to Bucky, putting his face inches from Buckys. 

"Why did you do it?" As he speaks, he spits at Bucky, "You could've ruined the whole mission."

"It was my idea." I step away from the wall I was leaning on, stepping into the light, "I thought that they'd turn to me for help when they found out Hydra was coming."

Alexander truns his head as he walks up to me. He stops just inches from me and glares at me.

"You're an idiot for thinking that."

I step closer to Alexander, looking down on his as anger bubbles inside of me.

"She's smarter than everyone in this room combined." defends Bucky turning to Pierce.

""But he already knows that don't you?" I say a smirk forming on my face when I see the terrified look on Alexander's face, "That's why you never punish me, you're afraid of me."

"You should watch your mouth Jessica and remember who's in charge." Alexander steps back, wiping a beat of sweat from his forehead as he does so. 

Finally I snap."Oh I know very well who's in charge. I just choose to ignore you because you see last time I followed your orders, it didn't exactly work did it?"

"That was not my fault."

"Oh so it wasn't your fault that 5 innocent men and women died after you gave an order?" With each word that leaves my mouth, I step closer to Alexander "It wasn't your fault that we lost one of our most elite soldiers last year after you gave the order to attack the avengers?"

I'm not stood millimeters from Alexander as we glare at each other, neither wanting to back down.

"Turn his machine on." says Alexander, not taking his eyes off me. 

Two mean grab Bucky and push him backwards into a chair, strapping a machine arouns his head as a doctor turns it on. Bucky screams out in pain as the machine begins to slowly tighten. 

I finally break screaming for them to stop. 

"Stop it!" I scream at Alexander through gritted teeth as he just stands there, "Stop hurting him and I'll do anything you want."

Finally satisfied, Alexander waves his hand at the doctor, gesturing for him to turn it off. I run to Bucky as he collapses to the floor, weak and in pain. 

"From now on you'll both follow orders."

I nod, swallowing as I turn back to Bucky.

"If I don't?" Bucky lifts his head up to face Alexander.

"I won't hesitate to kill her."

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