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"Hey everyone, we're back!"

Bucky walks slightly ahead of me, a huge smile on his face. 

"Welcome home Buck," says Steve as he pulls Bucky into a hug, "Is she here?"

"I'm here," I step out from behind Bucky, shyly. I look down at the floor, half expecting them to all start shouting at me. I mean, I wouldn't blame them. I did lie to them and tricked them and then almost got them killed. In fact, I almost judge them for not arresting me earlier. 

"Enjoy your holiday?" jokes Clint as he siles at me. I look up and smile back at him, glad that at least someone isn't too mad at him. 

"Finally!" Scott comes rushing through the group and pulls me into a tight hug, "Someone funs back in the compound." 

"It's been strange around here without you." says Wanda as Scott finally releases me from his tight grasp. 

"Really? How so?"

"Well it's been quiet for starters." laughs Sam, patting me on the shoulder as he walks past. 

"Yeah," Steve rolls his eyes, shakes his head and chuckles, "We've all missed you and Scott singing together." 

We all burst into laughter as Scott starts dancing around. 

"I've missed you all too." I smile before going very serious, "and I'm sorry."

"For what? Lying to us? Or for throwing Stark out the window?" He smiles playfully, "I don't think you need to apologise for that one. Stark needs to be taken down a peg or two."

"Both. I never meant to hurt you all, I was just trying to protect Bucky. Can you forgive me?"

"Oh, I don't know about that." teases Sam before bursting out laughing when he sees that I think he's been serious. 

"Stop winding her up Sam," Steve elbows Sam in the ribs causing Sam to stop laughing and frown at him, "Of cource we can forgive you."

"Yea, you're part of our family after all." Wanda squeezes my hand reassuringly before smiling at me. 

"Thanks guys. One question, where's everyone else?"

Everyones eyes drop to the floor as though theres something interesting on it. The smiles disappear from their faces, frowns taking their place. It's Steve who finally speaks up.

"They're not coming."

"They haven't forgiven me?"

"Nat has but-" 

I interupt him before he can finish, "But Tony hasn't, Peter still blames himself for everything that happened, Rhodey is Tony's best friend so won't have forgiven me either and Nat doesn't want to cause even more problems."

"That's scarily accurate. How in the world did you know that?"

"You're all a bit predictable." 

"No we're not." says Clint, not believing us, "You're just way too observant."

I smile, "Maybe I am, or maybe it's a bit of both."

"You are a bit predictable." adds Bucky from behind me.

"Hey watch it metal arm." Clint points his finger at Bucky, warning him to watch his mouth. 

"Either way, it's good to be home." 

"Now, how about a game of kareoke?" smiles Scott, already hedding for the compound door, dancing his whole way there. 

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