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As I'm giving Loki my bags, I hear the door behind me fly open.

"I don't get a goodbye?"

I stop moving and turn to see Bucky stood out on the path, his face stained with tears. "What?"

"Everyone else gets a goodbye but I don't?"

I sigh, putting my last bag down on the floor and walking towards him. He puts his hand up and I stop walking towards him. 

"You know after all that we've been through together I can't believe that this is how you wanted things to end between us." He storms off inside, slamming the door in the process.


"Go talk to him," says Loki coming across and taking the bag from my feet, "I'll wait out here."

"Thank you." 

I follow Bucky inside the apartment. 

"You really think that I didn't say goodbye because I don't care about you?"

"It sure seemed like it."

"You know I can't believe that after all these years you haven't learnt anything about me or the type of person I am."

"Then why leave without saying goodbye?"

"Because it's too damn hard Bucky." 

"What do you mean?"

"When I realise that I'm not going to see you everyday it hurts so much," the dam holding my tears in collapses as a wave pours from my eyes. "I can't even begin to explain how much I'm going to miss you because it already makes me not want to go."

"Then don't go."

"So if you thought that me not saying goodbye to you was because I don't care about you as much as everyone else, you're wrong it's because I care about you more. Okay, so there, there's your goodbye." I begin to walk out only for Bucky to catch my arm. 



"You can't just walk out after you've said that, you can't..."

Before I can say anything he crashes his lips against mine and I stop breathing. Little shivers of pleasure and panic shoot through me as he deepens the kiss,  parting my lips. I step cloder, sealing the tiny space between us, pressing against him, digging my fingers into his hair. It's soft, silky. Then I start thinking. Slowly, I remove my hands from his hair and put them against his chest before gently pushing him away. Understanding, Bucky breaks the kiss and places his forehead against mine. 

"Don't go" his voice is barely a whisper.


"Please stay with me," he takes his hand and puts it against my cheek, "I love you so much and not just as a friend so please don't go."

"Oh my gosh."

"I know I should've told you all those years ago and not waited until now but erm..." He pauses, taking a deep shaky breath, "I'm not going to be stupid anymore so I'm telling you now. I love you."


"Don't go to Asgard."

"Jess, are you nearly done?" shouts Loki from outside. 

"Hey, I know you love me, I know you do."

I remove my hand from Buckys, wiping my tears away and collecting myself together.

"Jess we need to go." shouts Loki once again.

"I..." my voice shakes, "I have to go to Asgard Bucky."

"No you don't."

"I do, Loki's outside waiting for me Bucky," I stark to walk towards the door, "I can't do this right now, I'm sorry."

"Jess." his voice is broken as more tears flood his face.

My hand reaches the door handle, turning it. "I'm so sorry Bucky."

I push the door open and walk outside to Loki. He takes me in his arms, hugging me tight.

"Are you sure you want to go?"

I nod my head and smile up at him, "Yeah, let's go home."

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