Caught out

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"He's my mailman." I blurt out without thinking. 

"Your mailman?" Peter raises his eyebrows as he looks at me. 

"Yeah, it's his birthday tomorrow and I wanted to wish him happy birthday." I know it's not a very good lie but I hope Peter buys it. 

"Tell me the truth Jess."

"Okay fine," I sigh deciding to tell him the truth, "his name's Bucky and we live together." Well, at least some of it. I mean I can't eaxctly tell him I work for Hydra can I?

"Why did you lie about it?"

"Look i'll explain later" no I won't but hopefully he'll forget about it, "you can't tell Steve though."

Peter looks at me weirdly before shrugging his shoulders and smiling, "okay I won't."

I relax, "Okay, let's get going, we're already late."

A few moments later we arrive at the compound. Peter excuses himself to go talk to Tony as I go into the meeting room.

"We're here" I shout as I walk through the doors.

"You're late." says Nat as she walks towards the table and sits down. 

"Sorry, we got stuck at school."

She rolls her eyes and mutters something about school being a waste of time inder her breath. "Where's Peter?"

"He needed to speak to Tony."

"A bit late aren't we Jess?" comments Clint as he wanders in.

"Oh shut up Clint," I laugh as I take a seat at the table. "Let's just start the meeting already."

"Yes, let's" says Tony as he walks in slowly followed by Peter, "I've got some new information."

He looks at me before taking a seat at the far end of the table.

I turn my head to Peter, looking at his as I speak, "What new infomation?"

"I'm sorry Jess but I had to tell him." says Peter. 

Tony leans forward in his chair, clasing his hands together and resting his chin on them, "Are you going to tell them or am I Jess?"

"Tell us what?" Cap stops reading his book adn looks back and forth between me and Tony.

"Your old friend Bucky is alive Steve," Tony smirks as he turns away from me to face Steve, "And Jess here has known this whole time."

"What?" Steve takes a deep breath as the shock of what Tony's just said sinks in. 

"Bucky didn't die Steve, somehow he's still alive ad Jess has been living with him this whole time."

I glare at Peter as anger bubbles inside me, "You really couldn't keep your mouth shut could you Peter?"

Peter stands up, sending his chair flying backwards, "You lied to us Jess and I was stupid enough to believe you."

"We all were." says Steve as he turns to face me for the first time. 

"Well all the lies stop now," Tony stands up and walks towards me, "We're locking you up Jess."

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