My King

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"You really think you can beat me that easily?" I chuckle, standing up and backing away from the table. 

"Well there are five of us and only one of you so yeah." Clint replies arrogantly. 

I laugh as I reach the door, "But I have some tricks of my own."

Suddenly the lights turn out as I turn invisible before opening the door and slamming it again in an attempt to make them believe I've left the room. And it works.

"Split up and find her, I'll stay here in case she comes back."

I remane in the shadows invisible as I hear feet shuffle and the door slam as people rush out of the room. Then the lights flick back on to reveal a figure stood not far from Tony.

"All alone are we Stark?"

Tony's head whips around as he tries to find the source of the voice. When he see's thee figure he relaxes. 

"Loki," he smiles, "look we're in the middle of something so if you can postpone you're evil plan and come back later that would be-"

He's cut off as Loki grabs him by the neck. "Don't lay a hand on my fiance, understood?"

"Understood." whispers Tony as Loki lifts him into the air. 

"Bye, bye Stark." Loki waves as he throws Tony out of the window and to the ground, watching as he falls. "You can come out now Jess."

I step out of the shadows as I reveal myself. "Fiance?"

Loki nods his head, smirking as he steps closer to me.

"So you still want to marry me?"

"Of course I do." says Loki as he stops infront of me and bends down planting a kiss on the end of my nose. "You're my little midgardian after all."

I smile up at him, "Thank you for saving me my king."

"You're very welcome my queen." Loki bows as we both burst into laughter. "Now would you like to return with me to our kingdom?"

He offers me his hand and I take it, "Why I would love to, when do we leave?"

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