A new mission

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The next day I see Peter stood at his locker. Slowly I creep up behind him and whisper in his ear.

"Hey Spiderman, you ready for training?"

Peters head whips up as he turns to face me, his eyes wide."Shh! Someone mught hear you."

"Sorry" I laugh, "We better get going, Tony will explode if we're late again."

"I'm coming" says Peter grabbing the last few books from his locker as he closes it, "Did you hear what happened the other day?"

I know eaxctly what he's talking about but play along anyway, "No, what happened?"

"Well, I don't know exactly because Tony won't tell me everything but from what I heard, the museum exploded and Cap was inside at the time. He escaped but Tony thinks it's a planned attack. He even thinks it's..."

I zone out from what Peters saying as I look up across the street. My breath catches in my throat as I see Bucky stood out in the open, only a cap on to disguise him. 

"Jess are you even listening?" says Peter from besides me. He'd obviously asked me a question and I hadn't answered. 

"Yeah, I'm listening," I say, not taking my eyes off Bucky, "Look, i'll be back in a second. I just need to do something."

"Oh ok."

I leave a confused Peter near the car as I walk across the street to Bucky, keeping my gaze fixed on him the whole time. 

"What are you doing here?" I hiss once I get close enough for Bucky to hear me, "I'm undercover, if someone see's you..."

I'm interupted as Bucky pulls me to the side of the street, away from peoples hearing range.

"We got another mission from Hydra this morning."

"What?" I shout as people turn to look in our direction. I quieten my voice to a whisper, "But we haven't finished this one yet. What could possibly be that important?"

"They want us to retrieve information from Loki and then..." He trails off as he looks away.

"Bucky, tell me."

"And then they want us to kill him."

I draw a sharp intake of air. "You know I can't do that to him."  

My heart rate begins to speed up as I struggle to get air into my lungs enough. My palms become sweaty and my face becomes flushed. 

"Hey Jess, calm down okay," Bucky pulls me into a hug, stroking my hair to calm me down, "We'll talk about it later, for now go get back to the kid before he starts getting suspicious."

I take a deep breath, steadying myself as I pull away from Bucky's hug. "Okay, i'll see you tonight then."

"See you tonight." says Bucky as I walk off towards Peter.

When I cross the road and near Peter he frowns and I know he knows somethings wrong. Attempting to throw him off, I smile at him  and act cheery as I reach his side. 

"Who was that and why would he think I'd be suspicious of you?"

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