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It's been a week since I came to Asgard and I now sit in the large dining room, having a pleasant dinner with Loki. 

I go to pick up my glass when suddenly, pain shoots up my arm and into my head. I drop the glass, spilling wine everywhere as I grimace and touch my head.

Loki stops eating, looking up at me, "Are you okay my dear?"

I take a shaky breath in and smile at him, "I just have a bit of a headache."

"Is there anything I can do?" He places his fork down on the table and wipes his mouth with his napkin. 

"No. I think I'm just going to lie down," I stand up, puching my chair back as I walk aroound to Loki's side of the table, "But thank you though." I bend down and put my arms around Lokis neck from behind placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Okay," He looks up at me smiling, "I'll come check on you soon."

After smiling back at him, I remove my arms and head for the bedroom. As I turn the corner, I smack into someone, causing another stab of pain shoots into my head. 

"Are you okay Jessica?" I look up to see Sif stood staring at me, "You look a little pale."

"Yeah, I just feel a little faint." I take another shaky breath in, gasoing for air. 

"You're shaking Jess." She reaches to touch me only to withdraw her hand quickly when she touches my head, "Yet you're unnaturally boiling."

"I'll be fine, I just..." A sudden wave overtakes my body and my head begins to spin, "I need to lie down." 

My body collapses, making a large crashing sound as it hits the cool floor. Sif rushes to my side, checking my pulse and shaking me.

"Jess, can you hear me?" when I don't respond she screams at the top of her lungs, "Loki!"

Loki calmly walks into the hallway, stopping when he sees my limp body on the floor. He rushes to my side, collapsing to his knees as he frantically searches for a pulse. 

"What happened?" He looks up at Sif.

"I don't know, one minute she said she was feeling a bit faint and then the next thing I knew, she'd collapsed."

"Why is everyone standing around?" Loki pulls my limp body into his arms, cradling me against his chest. "Someone help her! Please!"

Thor walks into the hall hearing his brothers screams, "What in the Odin's name is going on in here?" He see's me on the floor and his eyes grow wide, "Oh dear, is she dead?"

Loki looks at Thor, murder in his eyes "If that turns out to be true because you've said it then so help me brother I will make sure you are joining her."

"Understood," Thor turns to Sif, "What actually happened?"

"Jess collapsed but we don't know why."

"Isn't it obvious," everyone turns to the door where Frigga stands, "She's been poisoned."

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