She's my friend

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A car comes speeding into the compound, as I look up. 

"Who's that?" I nod towards the car.

Steve looks up at the car, "What's he doing here?"

"He must have found out that Jess is back." says Bucky, stepping infront of me. Who could it be? And why does Bucky feel like he needs to protect me from him?

"Get Jess inside, I'll talk to him." 

Bucky grabs my arm, dragging me inside the compound. The rest of the team follow, blocking my view of whoever it is in the car. When we get inside, Bucky sits down on the chair, a frown on his face. 

"Who was that?" I stare at him.

He doesn't answer, instead he just stares blankly at the floor.

"Bucky, who was that?"

Bucky stands up and storms out the room, his fists clenched and hsi jaw tight. Whoever it was, they've angered Bucky.

I turn to Wanda, hoping she'll tell me but before I can even open my mouth she's left the room, shaking her head as she goes. 

"Just drop it Jess." mumbles Clint as him and Scott leave the room, heading for the kitchen like the rest of them. 

"What's got their knickers in a twist?"

I turn to see Thor stood in the door. 

"Thor? It's so good to see you." I get up and hug him, "When did you get here?"

"About five minutes ago. What's going on with them?" He points to the direction of the kitchen where I can here Sam telling Bucky not to do anything stupid.

"I have no clue. Someone turned up outside and everyone just dragged me away in here. They won't tell me anything ans Bucky seems pissed."

"Why don't you just go see for yourself?"

"If they come back in here and find me gone, they'll come looking for me." 

"What if I distract them?"

"You'd do that?"

"I'd do anything for my sister in law." He smiles at me. 

"Thanks Thor, I owe you."

He walks off in the direction of the kitchen. I wait until I hear him talking to the rest of them before I head to the direction of the front door, hiding i the shadows so that Steve can't see me. As the car comes to a halt in front of Steve, the window rolls down revealing Tony. 

"Cap." he nods, looking up from the car, "Where is she?"

"I'm not going to tell you Tony." replies Steve, shaking his head.

"Just hand her over."

"You and I both know that I won't do that." 

Tony opens the car door, stepping out of it towards Steve. "Well that's a shame because I've come all this way down here to try and stop Jess from tearing the avengers apart. So how about you just hand her over because she's dangerous so that I can leave and then everything can go back to how it was before." Tony looks around the compound searching for me. 

"She's not dangerous Tony." 

"Really?" Tony's head whips round to Steve, "So she didn't work for Hydra?"

"She was only trying to protect Bucky." 

"Is she really worth tearing the avengers apart? Because I sure as hell don't think she is."

"She's my friend Tony."

"So was I."

"You know what, I think it's best you leave." Steve begins to walk towards me. 

"I think you're making a big mistake Cap."

"Goodbye Tony."

After rolling his eyes and muttering something under his breath, Tony gets back in his car and drives off. I remain in the shadows whilst Steve walks past, through the front door.

"Get back inside Jess." he shouts over his shoulder as he walks off. 

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