Don't you dare leave me!

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I'm shoved to the side as the gunshot rings out. Looking to my left, I see Beck stood in front of me, the bullet planted in his chest. My eyes widen in horror and my breathing quickens as he collapses to the ground.

"NO!" A bloodcurdling scream tears from my throat. All the anger and the pain that's build up inside of me comes out roaring as I stand there, screaming at the top of my lungs. The room around me begins to shake and fade away as my power leaks from me. My eyes glow but not the usual red. No, this time, they begin to glow green. A green haze escapes my hands, enveloping my father. 

"What are you doing to me?" He shouts as he begins to fade away, "No! Nooo!" His voice fades as the last part of him disappears. 

I collapse at Becks side as I stop screaming, the power fading away with my father. 

"I promised I'd protect you didn't I." whispers Beck, his breathign slowing.

"It's okay, we're going to get you help, you're going to be fine." My breathing is now rapid, as I try to reassure both him and me that everything will be fine.

"Jess," he puts his hand on top of mine and I stop panicking and focus on him, "I'm sorry but it's time for you to say goodbye to me now. Stay out of trouble for me ."

"You stay awake, you hear me. Don't you dare, no don't you dare close your eye." My voice begins to grow louder as panick rises in me again.

"I love you little sis." he whispers as the warmth drains from his body and his eyes close.

"No, please, Beck." I cry out, grabbing onto him, shaking him, trying to wake him. 

"He's gone Jess," says Bucky, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

"No." I whimper as I collapse into Bucky's arms, burying my head in his chest. My tears stain his shirt as I cry out, screams tearing from my throat. 

"It's okay, i've got you," Bucky strokes my head softly as he embraces me, "Let it all out."

After what feels like hourse of crying and screaming, my tears begin to dry. 

"I wanna go home Bucky."I mumble against his chest.

"Okay, I'll take you to the apartment."

"No." I sit up and look him in the eyes, "I want to go to the compound." 

Bucky nods before pulling me to my feet and taking out his phoen, "I'll call Steve."

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