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"There's too many of them!" shouts Ebony Maw as he sends a rock flying at a group of Hydra soldiers.

"What do we do Jess?" asks Beck as he throws another soldier to the ground only for two more to take it's place.

"There's only one thing we can do." I dodge as Loki hits a soldier that's coming up behind me,, "Thanks."

"No problem." smiles Loki before turning around and fighting behind me.

"Get everyone outof here!" I shout.

"And what about you Jessica?" Ebony questions as he lifts a soldier into the air.

"Sometimes someone has to make a sacrifice to save others." I turn to find a soldier trying to attack Loki whilst he's distracted, Using my powers, I throw him against the wall, his skull cracking as he lands only to find two more heading for me.

"And why dooes it have to be you?" Ultron cracks the ground, causing the line of soldiers standing there to fall into a deep pit.

"I started this and now it's time for me to finish it." I turn to Kaecilius, "Can you make a portal out of here for all of you please?"

He nods before stepping into the corner of the now demolished room and creating a portal back to earth.

"It was an honour fighting with you Jess." says Thanos before he steps through the portal.

"We will forever be grateful for your sacrifice." echoes Ultrn before stepping through.

Hela comes over and hugs me. "Thank you for taking care of my brother for me. However much I may pretend not to care about him, I actually do." She begins to walk towards the portal before stopping and turning back to face me, "Oh and for what it's worth, I think you'd have made a great sister and queen." She dissapears through the portal.

"Beck it's your turn." I say turning to find him still fighting.


"What do you mean Nope? You have to go though."

"I'm your brother, I can't leave you."

"That's exactly why I need you to go."

Beck shakes his head again so I turn to Loki. Tears begin to fill my eyes as I look at him. He steps towards me, taking my hands in his.

"Please don't make me go aswell." he pleads, his voice barely a whisper. A tear falls from his eye and I reach up to wipe it away.

"You know I don't want to but I can't let you stay." I smile softly at him as another tear falls onto my cheek.

"And I can't live without you." Loki closes his eyes as he rests his head against mine. "You are the light in my life and without you, I don't know if I'll survive."

I place my hand against his cheek, stroking it. "You are stronger than you think Loki."

"I may be strong but not this strong."

"When are you going to start believing in yourself?"

"That's your job." We both laugh as we stand there, lost in the moment.

"I love you Loki."

"I love you too."

I stretch onto my tippy toes, pulling his face down to mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I gently press my lips against his. At first, he's gentle but then he becomes more and more passionate. I run my fingers through his hair, never wanting to let go. He closes the gap between us as he pull me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist. Just the touch of his skin against mine sends tiny shivers of pleasure through me. I'm going to miss this man, so much.

After a few moments, we both pull back and stare into each others eyes.

"Take care of Beck for me okay?"

He nods, "I promise."

A loud bang comes from behind Loki as a Beck knocks down another soldier. "It's time to go."

Reluctanly, he steps away from me towards the portal. As he goes, he grabs onto Beck, practically dragging him into the portal. As they reach it, Loki stops turning to me, his face stained with tears. I smile at him before blowing him a kiss. He steps into the portal and dissapears as the dam holding my tears in breaks. Biting my lip, I close my eyes, letting them fall as I collapse onto my knees. A scream escapes my throat and my heart feel's like it's been ripped from my chest.

After a few moments, I take a deep breath, wipe my eyes and gather myself together. Slowly, I stand up, my tear stains the only sign of emotion on my face.I close my eyes focusing on the room and explode one of the nearby vehicles. And then another, and another, until all the vehicles are in flames, as well as the room around me. All the soldiers are now either dead or fleeing but not my dad. He stands, unharmed, a few feet away from me.

"Bucky, you need to leave now." I turn to Bucky who is stood a few feet to my left, no emotion on my face.

"Not without you!" he screams.

"You know you have to." I say, no emotion in my voice

"All I know is that I want to stay here with you."


"Because you're all that matters to me. You're just all that matters okay."

"No it's not okay, I'm not going to let you die because of me!" I shout, emotion finally coming back to me.

"I'm not leaving here because I love you."

"And I love you too so please, go home."

"Our life together was the only home I ever really had."

"Don't make this harder Bucky."

"It can't be goodbye."

"It isn't, it's until we find another way."

"Until we find another way."

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