Reunited Family

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Gasping for air, I sit up quicker than a cat in water. My heart beats quickly, echoing in my ears as I look around the room. The room is small and dark, only one window in the corner of the room. A small table sits under the window surrounded by completely bare rooms. The bed I sit on is the only other furniture in the room other than a small chair in the corner that a figure now sits on. 

"Hello daughter." 

The figure stands up and steps into the light, revealing his Hydra uniform and his red skin. He reaches out and flicks a switch near the door, illuminating the room. That's when I notice where I am. My childhood bedroom. The exact same as it used to be. 

"Hello sister."

Another figure emerges from the other corner of the room, edging into the light. 

"Father? Beck? What's going on?"

"I poisoned your food." Beck steps closer, "Not enough to harm you seriously but enough to get you here."

"And where is here? I know this isn't real, you're forgetting I watched as dad burnt our house down to the ground."

"Not important," says my dad, waving his hand in the air as he walks towards the window, "your brother is in trouble and he needs you to come and fight along side us."

"Him you'll fight for," I stand up walk across to where my father stands, "the lovely Beck, the son you barely know."

"Jess, watch what you say." interupts Beck as he steps towards me. I rise my hand, gesturing for him not to come near me so he stops.

"But there was a time you knew me as your daughter!" I raise my voice.

"A failure of a daughter more like." corrects my dad as he turns to face me.

"A time before all the dissapoitment, the revelations of betrayal. There were moments when all you had to do was be my father." I pause taking a deep breath, "And even then you despised me didn't you."

"Jess, please be careful." says Beck again.

"I want to know why." Tears now stream down my face.

"I don't know, I just did." My dad looks into my eyes, now full of tears.

"All I ever tried to do was make you proud and what did you do in return?" I step away from him, taking a deep breath to try and calm myself, "You experimented on me. You abandoned me. You tore away my happiness. And then you tried to kill me."

"You were always a failure Jessica." I turn to face him, shock covering my face. 

I shake my head and smile, "Oh I won't be anymore, I promise."

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