Chapter 13

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Nikki's POV

It was Saturday night, October 27 and Ethan was at my apartment helping me get ready for Tony's surprise birthday tonight.
"GIRL! If you don't hurry that ass of yours up, we are going to miss the surprise part of the surprise party!"
"I'm almost done! I can't believe Rach is making me wear this! I can't breathe let alone move!" I shout from the bathroom.
"I won't be making any guys jealous when I sit down and my ass rips a hole in this dress!"
I hear him laughing from outside my door, "They would enjoy the peep show though!"
"Alright, how do I look?" I ask as I open the door and step out.
"HOT AS HELL! Like you painted on that dress! Rachael's plan is definitely going to work! Let's go before we're late!"

I had told Ethan about Rachael's jealously plan for the evening but I didn't tell him we were aiming for our Professor, Jake! Ethan had no idea we had met outside of class or had our little rendezvous in the school's closet.
We pull up to Grohls which our boss George had let Rach have for the evening and there was already a huge crowd of people standing around.
"HOLY SHIT!" Rachael instantly saw me walk in and her mouth dropped open. "You look FUCKING HOT! I'm so glad I chose that dress!" She kept eyeing me up and down.
"Hi, Ethan! Come on in guys. Grab a drink. Tony should be here with Jake in about eight minutes!"

We make our way to the bar and order our drinks. A few minutes later we hear Rachael get everyone's attention to pipe down as they were walking down the street. The crowd goes quiet until they walk in.
"WHAT THE-!" Tony was shocked.
"Happy Birthday Baby! Surprise!" Rachael jumps out from the crowd and kisses him.
"You set all this up? I had no idea!"
"Well with the help of Jake and Nikki!"
"Wow! Thanks guys! Thank you, everyone, for coming! This is great!"
They make their way around the crowd of people wishing Tony a Happy Birthday. I saw Jake enter the bar with Tony, but now he was nowhere in sight. I stayed with Ethan who was immediately caught up in a conversation with a hot guy he was positive hadn't "come out yet" so I quietly sipped my drink alone.

"Hey, can I buy you another drink?" A rugged guy comes up next to me.
"Oh, sure, thanks."
"I'm Alex," He extends his tattoo-covered arm for a handshake and I oblige.
"Oh, the one who helped with this party?"
"That's me!"
"Well, you did a great job. And you look beautiful tonight." He immediately didn't hold back on his charm.
"Thank you. How do you know Tony?"
"We work together. I'm a personal trainer and bodybuilder."
"Oh wow," I connected the dots they worked together at the gym before he even had to say anything. Tony was like every artist in New York, a starving one at that and needed another means to pay the bills on a regular basis. And I wasn't surprised this guy probably also lived at the gym. Every inch of this man was built muscles, and the tattoos flaunted every protruding vein up his arms. If he wasn't such a charmer with a sweet face I would be frightened at the sight of him.
"So what do you do?"
"I'm another starving artist like Tony. Or, well I hope to be, I'm still in school. I mean, I hope to be an artist, just minus the starving part," I instantly turn as red as my dress being so flustered and off my game but it only stirs a laugh from his broad face.
"You're cute when you're nervous."
"Nikki" I heard his voice behind me and a wave of nervousness rushed over my body.
"Hey, it's Jake right?" Alex said to him before they greeted each other, shaking hands.
"Yea, sorry to interrupt, I was hoping to speak to Nikki for-"
"Jake! Nikki!" Rachael thankfully saves me just in the knick of time. "Nikki, I see you've already met Alex!"
"Hey man! Hey Nikki!" Tony comes up beside Rach.
"Happy Birthday bro!" Alex slaps Tony's back.
"Happy Birthday Tony," I also say.
"Thanks. I can't believe you, Jake and Rach all hid this from me!" Tony said as I focused more on Jake who stayed quiet in the background with his hands in his pockets.
"I didn't think she'd be able to keep the secret either!" I throw her under the bus teasingly.
"HEY!" She playfully nudges my shoulder before linking her arm in mine.
"Alex, do you mind if I steal Nikki for a bit?"
"If you have to. Just bring her back for me please!" He looks at me with a smile and a wink and I hear the all too familiar throat clear from Jake still hovering.
"Nice meeting you Alex," I said in my flirtiest tone and toss my hair around my shoulders. "And thanks again for the drink."

Rachael took me to meet a bunch of guys she had thought would pair well with me. I spent the night caught in conversations with a Steven, Brian, and Gabe. Some were funny, some were interesting to talk to and some were complete airheads! But instead of enjoying their company, I found myself searching the crowd for Jake. Why is he still on the forefront of my mind? Why do I still even care?
"Hey, I'm going to head out." I went back to the bar where Ethan stayed chatting away with the same guy I left him with.
"What! Why? The night is still young!" He pouted. "Did you have any luck with your jealousy plan?"
"No! It was a stupid idea anyway." I said grabbing my coat about to put it on.
"I'll see you Mon-"
"Miss Dawson" I heard his deep voice from behind me and instantly goosebumps rose all over my skin.
"Professor Harrison? What are you doing here?" Ethan seemed baffled to see Jake.
"Mr. Young. Nice to see you. I'm friends with Tony, we go way back."
"Oh, cool!"
"Nicole, can I talk to you for a minute?" He kept his voice low and his eyes focused on the ground.
"I'll just be a second Ethan," I said turning back to him, leaving my coat next to Ethan at the bar.

I follow Jake to the back hallway that lead to the bathrooms. It was the only un-open area for a private conversation.
"You look fucking incredible tonight."
"What do you want, Jake?" My nervousness hit me at an all-time high and suddenly all my emotional frustrations with Jake seemed to come exploding out of my mouth.
"Look I know you're upset with me but I never meant to hurt you. What happened in the closet, it was...a weak moment. I lost control of myself and I'm sorry," He said bowing his head.
"I was a weak moment...that you regret," I huffed out loud. "Is that all Jake?" I didn't bother to let him answer as I didn't know what else would be left to say. I tried to move my body past him to walk away but he jumped in front of my path pinning me with arms to both sides of me against the wall.
"No. I just don't want you to think you were just a piece of ass to me. That's not who I am and that's not what I think of you. You're so much more than that Nikki." He stared straight into my eyes and I couldn't help but feel his sincerity. Like what I thought his intentions were from that day had been eating him alive. But I could also see the tension, the fight with himself on the inside. About what though, me?
"So what is it that you want then, Jake?" I inch my body closer to his and tilt my head up to look into his eyes. I can feel his breath on my face when he answers.
"I think you know what I want." He brings his hand slowly up to my neck and wraps his fingers around a piece of my hair. My breath catches and I see my breasts that were practically bursting out of the dress bobbing up and down in a nervous pant. I notice his eyes trail down my neck as he sees it too and my entire body trembles knowing he wants me.
"Then what's stopping you?" I ask and watched his pupils dilate as his gaze turns lustful. His jaw clenches like he is using every ounce of his willpower to not scoop me up and take me right here like we were back in the art closet. But he lets go of my hair and steps back, letting out a frustrated sigh.
"I'm warning you Nikki. Stop egging me on. I'm your professor!" I felt the rage build inside again.
"Who said I'm egging you on?" I scoffed out with a breath.
"Aren't you?" His eyes perked at me as he trailed a finger down my neck to the curve of my breasts.
"I think you're avoiding the reason, Jake. Why should we deny what we want if we're both consenting adults...That doesn't change because I happen to sit in a class that you teach!"
"We just can't, Nikki. I'm not the right guy for you. You deserve more, you deserve better," He said in a defeated tone.
"Don't you think I should be the one to decide what's right for me?" I said angered and he bows his head and doesn't reply. It seems like he's made his decision. I'm simply not worth the risk to him, whatever his reasons may be.
"Fine! I see how it is. Maybe Alex is the right guy for me then. Goodbye Jake!"

I push myself through his barricade of arms and leave him standing in the hall. Forcing myself to not look back, I feel some tears start building in my throat but swallow them down as I head back over to Ethan to get my things and leave.
"Girl! You better spill all the beans right now! Is something going on with you and Professor Harrison?" He asked, sounding completely shocked.
"Not anymore." I spoke the truth. I was done with this damn cat and mouse game.

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