Chapter 18

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Nikki's POV

I don't even know what time it was when we were finally too exhausted to keep going. I lost count, maybe four rounds if you count the time when he took me against the living room wall. I woke up cocooned in Jake's arms and he was still fast asleep but my grumbling stomach kept me awake and I even feared it was loud enough to wake him. I sneak out of his grip undetected and throw on a t-shirt before I head to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I start brewing the coffee and cracked some eggs as I dance to the beat from a song that's been stuck in my head lately.
I'm spooked to the touch of his fingers grazing my arms from behind before he presses his whole body into mine and nuzzles his head in my neck.
"Hell's bells, Mother of Pearl! You scared me! I didn't know you up!"
"I was enjoying the view for a while," He chuckled as he peppered my neck with kisses.
"I didn't think you'd ever wake up! Want some coffee?"
"I'd love some, thanks"
I reached for a mug, poured him a cup, and placed it in front of him as he took a seat at the counter.
He seemed pretty affectionate this morning so I assumed he didn't regret what happened all hours of last night but I was too coward to blatantly address where we stand now. 
I turned back to the stove and focused on cooking some eggs and bacon before I heard my phone buzz behind me. As I turned around to look and see who it is, I noticed Jake's eyes already glaring at the screen.

Kyle: Hey Nicole, It's Kyle. Got your real number from my dad.
Kyle: I couldn't stop thinking about you last night.
Kyle: Are you free tonight for drinks?

When I looked back up from my phone his eyes were glaring at mine and his jaw was clenched again.
"You sure made an impression on him last night."
"I have no interest in Kyle!"
"Well, you went on a date with him."
"I had to! And I made it clear it was only one date!" I looked back at him and he seemed confused so I assumed he didn't realize who Kyle's father was either. I threw the dishrag down and placed my weight on the counter as I told him the full story.
"Kyle Webber is David Webber's son! I had no idea and last week Mr. Webber practically begged me to go out with him. Since I work for him and Kyle has been breathing down my neck, I felt like I couldn't say no."
"Shit!" He spat out and ran his hands through his hair aggressively.
"Of course the fucking admin left that little detail out during registration." I now looked at him confused and to elaborate.
"David Webber contributes a lot of money to the art department every year. And he's a good source for internships and employment after students graduate. The department can't afford to lose him."
"What does that mean?"
"It means I have to pass that fucking prick and actually stay on his good side!" I could sense this was a problem for Jake and I could have made it worse now with our relationship and Kyle's interest in me but I had to say something to try to get the stress off his shoulders.
"Well, just don't let him get to you," I tried to look optimistic and hoped I'd get a laugh out of him if I pulled my southern slang out of my mouth.
"If brains were leather, he wouldn't have enough to saddle a Junebug!"
He burst out laughing shaking his head to the counter.
"That's still a whole lot easier said than done. Do you know he's drawing you for his final assignment?" His stance diverted back to being tense.
"He's never seen me naked, Jake."
"That's not the point!"
"Are you saying you're jealous?" I couldn't help but let it slip out and I couldn't hide my smirk either as I put my hand on my hip.
He shakes off his smirk before getting up and walking around the counter. Wrapping his arms around me and curling a strand of my hair around his finger.
"Would you hate it if I said yes?"
"No, I think I would like it if you were a little jealous actually." I giggled with my head buried in his chest.
"Good! Because I fucking hate Kyle. Just the way he looks at you makes me want to show him you're mine!"
"Oh really? I'm yours? Is that why you mutilated my neck last night?" I asked and I couldn't help feel my heart begin to pound and the goosebumps rising on my skin as he gently lifted my head and kissed every area on my skin that was sensitive due to his love bites.
"Maybe," He whispered before nibbling my ear shooting a wave of pleasure right between my legs. He starts to run his hands up my thighs, lifting up my t-shirt, and stops in surprise at my ass, finding I have nothing on underneath.
"You've had nothing on under here this whole time?" He growls I giggle back a response.
"No.." I hear the food sizzling behind me and I wiggle out of his grip to turn them over before they burn. Before I reach the spatula he turns off the burner and pulls me back into his grip, hoisting me up on the counter, and starts to lift my shirt over my head.
"What are you doing? What about breakfast?"
"Later! I need to make up for lost time!" He says quickly as he spreads my legs wide before his face disappears.

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