Chapter 25

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Nikki's POV

All the nights Jake and I have spent together, they have all been at my apartment since my place is closer to school and Grohls, and given it isn't the safest area, Jake always wanted to make sure I was ok. As we pulled up to Jake's apartment, you could tell right away he lived in a nicer area than me. His apartment was a completely open floor plan, the only walls that separated his entire unit was a hallway that blocked off the bedroom and bathroom. The building itself looked like an old industrial warehouse of some kind. His walls showed of old bricks that had been painted over multiple times and the modern kitchen contrasted with the oldness of the building, yet somehow complimented one another. His family room was filled with books of art history and albums of famous artists work such as Jackson Pollock, Pablo Picasso, and many more.
"How does Chinese takeout sound?" He asked, throwing our bags down at his door.
"Sounds good to me."

We snuggled up on the couch waiting for the food to arrive. Jake was laying on the couch and I was pressed up against him with my head resting on his firm chest. But the thoughts of Jake's past as well as mine hadn't left my mind and the decision to finally tell him was eating at my insides at this point. I thought maybe if I opened up and told him everything, it would make him more comfortable to do the same.
"Yea?" He replied casually, not knowing what was about to hit him. I sit up and move my body away from his. Rip the bandaid off and get it over with, I said to myself.
"What's wrong?" He sensed my hesitation and sat up from the couch himself.
"I-I umm..." I was too afraid to look at his face but I caught a glimpse of his eyes that looked sincere and concerned.
"I haven't exactly been...honest with you about me." His facial expression turned to confusion and worry as I fiddled nervously with my hands in my lap.
"Some-someone did give me that scar on my back," I said looking at him guilty for lying. His jaw immediately tensed with the entirety of his body and his eyes darkened over as if enraged.
"Who?" He asked through his teeth like he wanted to kill that person. But it made me weaker, and I slouched my head down even further in my hands.
"I did," I said trembling and before I could even breath he grabbed my chin and tilted my head to look into his fierce eyes.
"You didn't give yourself that scar, Nikki! Who did that to you?" He demanded sternly and the tears were already making me choke on every heavy breath.
"My father! I-I said he wasn't in the picture when I was growin' up, but I-I lied." My words released with the tears almost like vomit.
"He was always around! Always coming home drunk! Yellin' and hittin' my mamma, and me, but it was mostly me. I-I would always do somethin' to get him real mad. I guess I hoped he'd get so upset he'd just leave us or my mamma would leave him, b-but she-she never did!" I pulled my face from his grip, too nervous to look at him and threw my head in my hands as the tears became too much to contain.
"Hey, it's ok. Whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm here for you." I felt Jake's hand stroke my leg to give me comfort but I can't even imagine what he must be thinking of me already and I haven't even told him the worst part.
"I don't even remember what I said to him that day, but I said somethin' that set him on fire. He smacked me across the face and I couldn't stand it anymore. I called the cops on him and he grabbed a knife chasin' after me telling me he'd kill me. I felt the knife hit my back and I thought it was all over, I thought I was gonna die."
"Jesus Christ, Nikki," He cupped my face in his hands caressing my cheeks, gently wiping away my tears as if he was touching bruises that may have once been there. I felt his sorrow and his pity for me and I couldn't stand it. I deserved every ounce of the heartache I have to live with, for I am the cause of it all.
"It's my fault Jake! It's all my fault!" The ugly cries release with the flood of tears streaming down my face.
"No, it's not, what are you talking about," He tried to console me but he didn't even know yet.
"He killed her Jake! He killed her because of me! If I didn't say what I said, it wouldn't have gotten to that point! He dragged me across the floor and had the knife to my throat when my mamma came home! It was supposed to be me but she stopped him. She pulled him off me and he hit her so hard she fell back and hit her head against the stove and..." I couldn't go on anymore as the flashbacks from that day were prominent in my mind. The pool of blood that she was laying in on the tile floor when the paramedics got there. I watched in horror screaming her name as they performed CPR on her but it was no use. She was already gone.
I saw the look of horror rush to his face as the words sunk it. He hadn't said anything yet and I felt embarrassed and ashamed. Here Jake came from such a wonderful and loving family and now I had just confessed I came from an abusive hell hole with a father who attempted to kill me and murdered my mother in cold blood right in front of me! What kind of person do you become witnessing such a thing as a child?
"It's all my fault! If it wasn't for me, she would still be here!" I lost control of my breathing as my sobbing got worse while I tried to speak. The last time I had to describe what happened in such detail as this was when I was a little girl in the courtroom, on the stand testifying against my father.
"Hey, hey, hey," He grabbed my body and pulled me into his chest.
"Don't talk like that Nikki! None of this is your fault! Do you hear me? None of what happened is your fault!" He cupped my face and continued to wipe away the tears that still fell. I don't think he knew what else to say or do besides hold me tight in his arms stroking my hair as I got a hold of my breathing.

I don't know how long I stayed wrapped in his arms until I felt myself drift off to sleep and woke to his lips brushing over mine.
"Jake?" I opened my eyes more and smiled seeing his face and feeling his hands caress my cheeks.
"Yea, you fell asleep for a bit but you should eat something now."
I did feel hungry but I was too focused on wanting something else. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down over my body. He presses his lips to mine and I lean in closer, wanting more as I run my hands under his shirt and up his back to bring it over his head.
We took off each other's clothes slowly, our eyes never separating from one another and his lips always finding their way back to mine every chance he got. He placed me back down on the couch, so gently, so slowly like I was made of glass. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and stroking my cheek.
"You're so beautiful. I'm never going to stop telling you that," He whispered.
"I don't want you to." My heart felt like it was going to jump right out of my chest. The way he made me feel always left me breathless, and his tenderness that I always shied away from. I never wanted a man to take me gently, maybe because I wanted to feel strong. Or maybe because I was afraid of my real emotions. The need to be loved like I always craved, but thought I would never find someone who could look past the damages I've done that was permanently marked on my body.
But Jake has. He now knows about my history and yet he kisses every inch of my body, loving every inch of me like I'm a goddess he worships. And for the first time, I was willing to give him myself this way because I don't think he would ever hurt me.
Slowly and passionately he took me. Sliding in and out of me in his entirety and it felt incredible. The way he felt inside me, his lips grazing over mine, crushing mine in intense moments as we reached our high. I wrapped my legs around him, clinging to him like my life depended on him being as close as he is to me now. I could feel my orgasm building inside me with each deep thrust until my eyes fluttered shut and my body released like a star bursting in the sky. It felt like a weight lifting off my shoulders and my body flooded with new emotions. This time was different. It was loving, tender, and sweet. It wasn't just sex to either of us, it was making love. And it was perfect. I felt complete with him inside me, like I had been missing a part of myself my whole life.

After a bite to eat I hopped in the shower while Jake said he would find us a movie to watch. I let the hot rain fall on my body while I felt surrounded by all these new emotions. I loved the way he touches me, kisses me, looks at me like I've never really been seen before my whole life. I never loved myself or my body for it's just a constant reminder of the pain and guilt I'll be burdened with the rest of my life. But I feel like Jake looks beyond that and sees me for who I am. He doesn't hold my past against me and I love him so much more simply because of that. He has made me feel beautiful, comfortable, and happy with who I am.
I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off as I looked in the mirror, for once admiring the nakedness of myself that reflected. I felt empowered and brave and I smiled at my reflection before leaving the towel behind and stepping out of the bathroom. I rummaged through my bag and found some pencils and a sketch pad I always carry with me for when the inspiration may hit and continue my way out to the family room where Jake was on the couch.
"I could very much get used to you walking around my apartment naked!" He said with his eyes glued on me as I walked right up and straddled his lap. Before he could place his mouth on my body I shoved the sketch pad and pencils up against his chest.
"What's this?"
"I want you to draw me," I said as he ran his hands up my thighs.
"Why would I want to do that when I can think of so many other better things I can do to you!"
"Jake! I'm serious!"
"So am I!" He said forcing my hands that held the supplies down and taking my breasts in his mouth.
"Please do this for me. For once I feel beautiful!"
"Baby, you should feel beautiful all the fucking time because you are! Me drawing you shouldn't have anything to do with it." He peppered my collar bone and shoulders with kisses working his way down and biting and sucking my nipple.
"Please?" I begged as I was losing my willpower the further down he kissed and sucked.
"You know I don't do that anymore. I just teach."
"B-but why? Ohh god!" I asked the question but he never answered and the topic was buried with his tongue between my legs.

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