Chapter 7

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Nikki's POV

It was Monday afternoon and time for Professor Harrison's class again. As I was getting ready, I found myself putting some extra effort into my hair and makeup. I felt like a high school girl all over again. Totally crushing on some guy in school. Get it together Nikki! I couldn't stop thinking about the other night in my apartment. The way we were together, what almost happened between us? I knew he felt something too and I had to know what it was.
I decided to wear a fun and flirty summer dress. Sometimes I feel like certain clothes bring out the country girl in me and this was definitely one of those outfits. A cute knee-length white lace dress with flared short sleeves and I paired it with none other than patented cowgirl boots.
I hope I gave myself enough time to get to class. Blake was right about my car, it needed new everything and there was no way in hell I could afford it. I had to brave the subway system until further notice.


It was only eleven by the time I finally made it to campus but I was already fit to be tied. The subway system is a god damn shit show and trying to read the map is like trying to read hieroglyphics! I was so late! Running down the hall to class I turned the corner and Crash!
"Oh for Pete's sake!"
I ran right into a teacher turning the corner and their hot cup of coffee spilled all over me, soaking my dress from my chest down along with their belongings spewed all over the floor.
I immediately got down to the floor collecting all of his papers while my skin was scorching from the hot coffee and my dress was dripping wet stained brown with coffee.
"I'm so sorry! I'm late for class and I didn't see you. I'm just a chicken with its head cut off today!" I say scrambling around the floor and he lets out an aggravated huff.
"You young kids these days! No respect for time management and responsibility! Now, look what you've done! All my papers are soaked!"
"Aren't you going to ask the young lady if she's alright! She's soaked with your steaming hot coffee!" I heard his tense voice behind me and I whipped around to see his eyes glaring with anger at the teacher. Lord have mercy! Why does he always look so good?
"Are you alright?" The teacher asked in a sarcastic rude manner.
"Yea, I'm fine" I bowed my head down not wanting to be in the middle of a confrontation.
"Oh goodie!" He stormed down the hall with another irritated huff and I stood up from the floor.

Jake's eyes were glaring at me up and down still with fire in them. I noticed him trailing down from my face slowly looking over my body, stopping for a moment at my breasts then stopping again at my crotch. I look down to see what he's focused on and realized then my once white, now wet dress, is see-through. You could see shining through my dress my matching lace bra and panties now prominently on display. I look up at Jake and his big blue eyes look like an animal stalking its prey, ready to pounce.
"Here. Cover yourself and come to class." He says taking off his jean jacket and hands it to me before turning and going back into the classroom.

I throw on his jacket and collect my things before following him through the classroom door. I kept my head down with embarrassment and my bag down to cover from anyone seeing my panties as I found my seat. Luckily I sat next to someone I knew from my other classes.
"Hey, girl. Having a rough day?"
"Ya darn tootin!" Ethan looked at me funny as my damn southern slang came out again.
Ethan was clearly gay. The way he talked with his feminine tone, the bleached blonde hair, heavy eyeliner and tinted glossy chapstick he wore was also a clear giveaway. He had a cool artistic edge to him. I liked that he felt so confident and proud to be who he wanted to be. I respected people like that.

I finally looked up around the class and my cheeks immediately flushed with what was standing in the center of the whole class. Our art stools and blank easels were placed in a circle around a woman who stood on a podium completely naked. A young woman, probably around my age with flawless porcelain skin and her thick dirty blonde hair tied up in a bun.
"Holy fucking hot! My dick just got hard!" Kyle announced far too loudly for anyone's liking as he strutted in the class even later than me.
"Mr. Webber! You're lucky all these models who step in this classroom are wearing earplugs so they don't hear our dialogue but that doesn't give you the right to speak like that! Now find your maturity or I will throw you out!"
"Sorry" He said with sass brushing off Jake's total anger towards him.
"And you're late, Again!" He added in.
"I won't be from now on!" Kyle said taking the empty seat next to me and leaned in whispering in my ear, "Now that I know what's waiting for me each class! Nice dress by the way!" He added with a wink and I bowed my head stressfully running my hands through my hair. I so did not want to be here right now.
I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't pay attention to what was actually going on the entire class. The way Jake looked at me set my skin on fire. What was going on between us? With these little encounters we've had there's so much tension and built-up frustration I know he feels it too. The electric sparks I feel as our bodies get too close, like if we actually did touch one another there'd be no saying what could happen. Like he wouldn't be able to control ourselves.
"Miss Dawson?" I was startled out of my deep thoughts by the sound of my name being called on.
"I asked you to explain to us your thoughts about this model? What do you see when looking at her?" He leaned his body against my easel patiently waiting for what I had to say but my mind went blank and I felt my cheeks flush being the focus of attention and having to describe the nakedness that stood in front of me.
"I ummm, I don't know"
"You don't know?"
"No" I said feeling like I was slouching further in my seat wanting to have the ability to disappear.
"That's too bad. How about you Mr. Young?" Thankfully he turned his attention to Ethan and I was set free but not by his disappointed glare at me.
"Alright class, think to yourselves about all we talked about and find the hidden meaning within her and strive to bring it out in your drawings. You have the rest of the class to work." Professor Harrison announced and finally, I felt like I could drift into my own world and just draw what comes to mind.

It felt easier to be able to draw what I was thinking and seeing rather than explaining it for some reason. Maybe because describing it somehow brought out my own personal feeling at the same time. Because what I didn't want to admit to Jake was that I knew what this naked goddess of a woman portrayed. Purity. She was young, youthful, and above all, she was flawless and innocent. All the things that I wasn't. I was tarnished and stained, used and abused, and most of all broken. Anyone who I had ever been with I felt I let down their expectations and they treated me like a broken glass doll once I told them how I got my scars.
I drew the young woman perfectly, portraying her innocence with soft, fine strokes of my charcoal pencil. Every line, every hair on her body was perfection that I envied.
If I could only go back and be able to change the past I would. But that still wouldn't make me perfect. Not in the least bit. I would always be scarred and broken. The fault and cause of it all.

"That's all for today. Continue working on your final assignment. I'd like to see some rough drawings of your ideas next class."
I was spooked out of my world of drawing by Jake's voice and my pencil skidded across my easel creating a harsh violent line going up the side of her back. Ironic to say the least I thought to myself as I stood from my chair wanting to escape the enclosures of this room and my life.
"Hope your day gets better sweety. See you tomorrow in color theory"
"Thanks. Bye Ethan"
"Hey there," Kyle says, coming up to me. Please Lord, not today!
"You want to grab a drink sometime?" He scanned my dress up and down waiting for my answer.
"Oh, umm, I'm really busy-"
"Miss Dawson. A word please" I heard Jake nearly growl from the front of the room.
"Sorry, I'll see you around"
"I look forward to it" Kyle says with a wink and another scan down my dress.
I head up to Jake's desk and see him trying to force his eyes on anything but me.
"What's going on with you?" He said aggravated not making eye contact with me.
"What do you mean?"
"You're flaking out on my class!"
"I-I'm not" I said refusing to admit my fears but I sense him take a step closer to me and finally his eyes meet mine.
"I know what you're capable of! The way you described Tony's painting, that's what I want to see!" I break from his eyes and let out a sigh not wanting to discuss why I have such a hard time expressing myself.
"I have to go. I have a double shift at Grohls," I start to take off his jacket to give it back to him and he takes a step back.
"Don't take that off! I can walk to your car with you and grab it then" He says agitatedly by the see-through-ness of my dress.
"Oh, I took the subway. That's why I was late. I couldn't figure the damn thing out and got off on the wrong stop," I started to ramble.
"Your car?"
"Still at the shop. Probably permanently. There's so much wrong with it and I can't afford to fix it now."
"I'll drive you to Grohls then."
"You don't have to do-"
"I can't have you riding the subway looking like that so let's go!" He disgruntly packs his things up leaving nothing left to discuss.

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