Chapter 14

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Jake's POV

I wasn't looking forward to Mondays anymore. Just seeing Nikki caused an ache in my heart. She came into the classroom laughing with Ethan. God, she's so beautiful. Does she know the effect she has on people? She simply lights up any room she enters. Of course, she didn't bother to look at me or acknowledge me in any way. Why would she? And that prick Kyle comes in and sits down next to her. The way he looks at her makes me want to plant my fist in his teeth. He's always undressing her with his eyes, it's a habit as someone who teaches nude figuring drawing I have attained over the years.

"So my dad said you're free for Friday night. Should I pick you up at your place?"
"That's ok. I can meet you at the restaurant. Where are we going?" She asked sounding flirty. She was going on a fucking date with this douche?
"Ok. I made reservations for Del Posa at seven." That's a nice place. What was he planning to do? Show off his platinum card to get into her pants?
"Sounds good. I'll meet you there," She said with an intoxicating smile.
"Can't wait!"
I was fuming with jealous rage but I had a class to teach. I pulled my attention to the young woman who was waiting for my gesture that we were ready to start. I gave her a nod as she couldn't hear anything with the earplugs in and she dropped her robe to the floor revealing herself. I've used this woman multiple times and she has such a kind yet shy voice. Her strawberry blonde hair was vibrant against her pale freckled youthful skin.

"Woah! Where the fuck are her tits?" True to his despicable personality, Kyle voices his thoughts first. I've had quite a few different reactions over the years of teaching and using Beth as a model, but none as insensitive as Kyle's! I shoot my head to his seat and was ready to give him a piece of my enraged mind but to my surprise, Nikki spoke first.
"Are you fucking serious?" She shouted at him with her mouth dropped open in the same horror as me.
"What?" He shrugged his shoulders like a true clueless moron.
"She's obviously had a double mastectomy!"
"A double what?"
"A Mastectomy! She had her breasts surgically removed either because she had breast cancer or was at high risk of getting it!" She speaks to him slowly like he'd have difficulty understanding with his brain the size of a fucking peanut.
"That's just messed up!"
"Let's get to the topic! What does she portray to you?" I spoke out to the class to find some students with much higher morals.
My rage started to dissolve hearing the other thoughts of the class.
"A woman warrior!" Ethan spoke up but Kyle was quick to respond.
"She's not a woman anymore!"
"Excuse me!" Nikki's head darted back to him and her eyes seemed to blink bewildered.
"She's got a great body and all, but it's a waste if you don't have tits to suck on!"
"What in tarnation is wrong with you!" I could tell Nikki was clearly upset by the presence of her southern mouth and it had me wondering if this was the reason her mother passed away? Just thinking about it made me for hurt for her and I felt bad bringing this model in for her to think about.
"Don't get so upset, baby," Kyle spoke again and leaned into her trying to whisper, but I was close enough to hear. "You, on the other hand, have amazing tits and I dream about sucking on them every fucking night!" He finished with a wink and before I knew it, my body had lunged towards him and I was holding him by his grungy t-shirt.
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CLASSROOM!" I yelled so hard spit came flying out of my mouth.
"What the fuck! You can't touch me like this! Get the fuck off!" He squirmed like a rat in my hands. I had nothing else to say as I dragged his ass to the door and tossed him in the hallway. Slamming the door and locking it shut, I turned around to see the entire class staring at me with their mouths dropped open.
"PAINT!" I shouted, and in an instant, all their bodies turned around and the room filled with silence again.
I tried to calm myself down but I kept fisting my hair again, pacing the room as they worked quietly. I was holding myself back from throwing his ass out but that last comment threw me over the edge. She can't be going out with him! It has to be another ploy to drive me crazy! Either way, it's fucking working and I can't let her make a mistake like that on my account.

Once everyone emptied out of the room, I called her over.
"Miss Dawson!"
She completely ignored me and had no intention of sticking around to talk to me as she quickly packed her bags and turned to leave the room.
"Nikki, wait!" I raced over to her seat and grabbed her arms forcefully pulling her back.
"What?" She growled.
"You're NOT going out with that asshole?"
"You can't tell me what I can and can't do! What's it to you anyway?"
"He's not right for you!" I growled.
"You're not right for me! He's not right for me! Is anyone?" She shot back aggressively throwing her hands on her hips.
"He's just looking for an easy fuck!" The harsh words shot out of my mouth and she glares at me with anger in her eyes and sticks her face in mine.
"Well, at least he's man enough to go after what he wants!" She growled through her teeth before storming out of the classroom.

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