Chapter 8

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Nikki's POV

We walk out of the building together and it felt like the second no one was around, Jake was walking closer towards me until we reached his car.
"I, umm, should probably go to my apartment first and change my outfit."
"Right, that makes sense."

The car ride was mostly silent. I stared out the window admiring the afternoon hustle and bustle of the city.
"So, are you going to tell me what the problem was in class today?" He brought up the dreaded topic again.
"I just find looking at people in the nude very...I don't know, awkward?"
"What, are you a prude or something?" My head darted to look at him with a certain look in my eye as he looked over to me.
"No, I'm not a prude!" I tried to say it with confidence.
He stared at me for a moment before clearing his throat before he spoke. "So what is it then?" He kept prying.
"It should just be a private intimate thing to be without any clothes on and we're all staring at them for a damn hour!" I start feeling flustered.
"That's bullshit!" He blasts and I dart my head over to him once more.
"That's not how artists think and I know you're an artist!" He said looking me dead in the eyes.
"So stop avoiding the real reason and tell me!" He keeps pressing and I let out an aggrieved huff that he's not dropping the topic.
"You see things, ok! You see beneath them and who they are and sometimes people want things to stay hidden!" He looks over at me shocked at my confession and hesitates before speaking.
"Everyone has something to hide, Nikki"
"Ok then, what are you hiding?" It practically jumped out of my mouth but he was quick to turn it around on me.
"What are you?" I already felt my palms sweating but I couldn't help the smirk from forming on my face, knowing a way to avoid answering while also throwing it back in his face.
"I don't think professors need to know that kind of personal information about their students." I heard him grip the steering wheel tighter as he focused his eyes back on the road while we both stayed quiet until he pulled up to the curb of my apartment.
"Thanks for the ride...again," I say opening up the door but he turned his keys in the ignition, shutting off the car.
"I'll wait for you here."
"You don't have to! I can walk to Grohls!"
"I said, I'll be waiting right here!"
"Fine! I'll just be a second then." I decided against fighting with him and shut the passenger side door and disappeared up the steps of my apartment to change.

When I walk back out, I found him leaning against the passenger side door as he looks me up and down and lets out a chuckle to himself as she shakes his head to the ground.
"What was the point of me driving you home to change if your outfit is still see-through?"
I look down at my outfit choice and start to feel my cheeks flush. Yes, it was a sheer shirt that now showed a baby blue lace bra and a ripped pair of skinny jeans. I didn't think about my earlier circumstance when my white dress wasn't meant to show what was underneath while this shirt was intended to, but I couldn't help but smile that he noticed.
"Wise-ass!" I said with a smirk as I made my way down the stairs and threw his jacket at his face.
"I'll make it up to you and buy you a drink. You ready?" He pushed himself off his car and opened up the passenger door for me shutting it once I got in.

After a short drive, we walk into Grohls and are greeted by Rachael behind the bar. Her eyes building and a huge smile grows on her face as she sees us together.
"Nikki! And Jake...nice to see you both...together!" I gave her a look implying to not assume anything.
"What are you guys doing here together?" she questions and I let my rant burst through my mouth.
"Don't even get me started on today! My car is the pits, some goober spilled his coffee all over me before class!" I'm interrupted by them both bursting out laughing.
"Well that sucks but I asked why Jake is with you"
"Oh, he gave me his jacket to wear and then gave me a ride home to change so I owe him a drink for helping" I look over to him and gesture with a nod of my head.
"Come on, what do you want?" I walk behind the bar as he sits down.
"I'll just take a beer"
"Hmm, you sure? Anything is one the house. You look like a beer guy but something tells me you're full of surprises" I say with a smirk.
"Alright then, whiskey please"
"Good choice. Whiskey it is!" I pour him a glass and slide it over.
"Thank you"
"So you guys! I need your help with something!" Rachael comes over and chimes herself in. "I want to plan a surprise thirtieth birthday for Tony. George gave me the okay to close this place down for a few hours to have it here but I have a huge design project coming up for work. Jake, you think you can help me?"
"Sure, what do you need?"
"I made a list of who he'd want to be invited but if you could look it over and make sure I didn't forget anyone?"
"I can do that,"
"Thank you, Jake! You're a lifesaver! And Nikki, I know you're super busy but would you mind helping me shop for the decorations?"
"Oh, course honey. Whatever you need!"
"You two are amazing! Thank you so much! And maybe you two will show up together" She winked at us as she walks away to the supply room and neither of us could hide our embarrassed smirks when we looked at each other.
"Well, thanks for the drink but I should hit the road." He throws back the remainder of his drink and digs in his back pocket.
"Here, take a cab home so you're not walking to streets by yourself at night." He says sliding a bunch of money over the counter.
"Jake! I'm not taking your money!" I slide it back over to him and he places his hand over mine sending a shock up my arm.
"Please, just take it."
"I'll be fine Jake. I have my southern tongue and my mean swing, remember?"
"I need to make sure you're safe, Nikki"
"Why do you care so much, Jake? I thought I was just your student?"
"You are!" He lets go of my hand and stands to put his jacket on.
"Do you do this for all your students then?" I said with a certain twinkle in my eye as we both look intensely at each other. The tension in our gaze could send this whole bar up in flames.
"Goodbye Nikki" He turned and walked out the door, avoiding the question.

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