Chapter 15

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Nikki's POV

I was dragging my feet getting ready, not wanting to go out tonight on my date with Kyle. As it is, I was already completely infuriated with him and how he acted towards the last model. His rude demeaning comments about her being any less than a woman simply because she couldn't flaunt pieces of human tissue and muscle anymore! It hit a nerve in my body that angered me to the core. My own mother was a breast cancer survivor and that made her even stronger and more of a woman in my eyes. It will never stop piercing my heart my like a dagger knowing she survived one of the leading killers of woman, yet she didn't survive the freak impact which I had caused.

It was November now, the weather was getting colder by the day. Being from the South, even though I hated the nasty heatwaves, I hated the cold far more. I didn't put that much effort into my look. I was tired after a long week of classes, piles of assignments on my plate, and most of all, I didn't want to give Kyle any false impression that I was interested in him. I tied my hair back and wore a warm gray sweater. I paired it with black tights and a black mini skirt. Wearing a simple black choker, dangly earrings, and black heels, I looked quickly in the mirror with the thought, time to get this over with!

I walked up to the restaurant with saw Kyle waiting out front for me. I didn't recognize him at first with the effort he put into himself. Slicking his hair back and wearing a nice collared shirt and slacks, I must admit he did look charming.
"Hey there, beautiful!"
"You're not so bad looking yourself," I said with a smile.
We were seated at a quiet table for two. Kyle ordered an expensive bottle of red wine and since I wasn't invested in this date, I let him carry the conversation for most of the night, only changing the subject when he asked questions about my family or history that I didn't want to share with anyone. He was the kid that grew up in a rich, sophisticated lifestyle. You can tell he was the rebellious type just by how he looks with his rough and don't-give-a-shit look. I guess you can't blame him for being arrogant and cocky when he grew up getting whatever he wanted and never facing any consequences for his rebellious actions. Even his father's gallery would be passed down to him once he graduated. His mindset on life was clearly, why work hard when you're already being inherited a fortune?

He paid the bill and we walked out together. He lingered at the curb saying his goodbyes as if the night wasn't over and he expected more from me.
"Well, my car is parked a few blocks down in a garage," I lied, thinking he wasn't the chivalrous type to offer to walk me to my car. I hoped he wasn't because of course my car was still in the garage waiting for money to grow on trees to fix it. I didn't want Kyle picking me up at my apartment so he wouldn't be driving me back there at the end of the evening, expecting me to ask him upstairs. That would never happen even if he was the last man in New York City!
"Thanks for a lovely dinner, Kyle." He walks towards me getting ready to go in for a kiss. As he leans his head in, I turn to the side so he kisses my cheek instead.
"Goodnight Kyle." He looked disappointed in the way the evening ended, but said goodnight and started walking the other direction.

I made it to the street of my apartment from the long ass walk from the subway. My feet were killing me walking so far in heels on the uneven sidewalk. I got the weird knot in my stomach again of feeling unsafe and alone walking the dark empty streets. I look around and don't see anyone but the dark allies all around me make me uneasy. I walk a little faster and make it up my building stairs storming through the doors once my key buzzes me in. Before my heart can release itself and take a deep breath, I hear my name.
I whip my body around terrified but in self-defense mode. Without even glancing up to see who the man was my first was flying through the air.
"Jesus! Fuck!" His voice sounded more clear and familiar to me.
"JAKE?" I see his deep eyes gazing down on me as his hands are covering his mouth.
"What in the Sam Bell Hill are you doin' here?" My southern slang hit at an all-time high but he just stood there covering his face with his hands still in shock I had decked him, and a good one apparently at that!
"Oh come upstairs. I'll get you a bag of peas!" I drag him into my apartment and sit him down on the couch. I grab a bag of frozen peas and pour him a whiskey from my stash to numb the pain. I go back over and sit down next to him.
"Thanks. Jesus, you weren't kidding! You do have a mean swing! I'm happy I still have all my teeth!" I chuckled holding the bag of peas to his mouth.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It was getting cold out so I was waiting inside."
"Why were you waiting for me, Jake?"
"I-I couldn't stand the thought of you out with Kyle, or any guy for that matter."
I stand and start pacing the room as anger floods my body.
"What is this Jake? What fucking game are you playing with me here?"
"I'm not playing games!"
"So what then? If you can't have me then no one can? You're going to wait outside and stop any man from coming up to my apartment?"
"How do you even know I didn't go to his place?" The naughty thought sneaked through my lips in anger and he looked up at me with a jealous rage in his eyes as every muscle in his face clenched.
"Did you?" He got up and tensely ran his hands through his hair like he wanted it to rip it out with all the frustration pent up inside while I stayed silent.
"For Christ's sake! Tell me you didn't fuck him!" He lunged over to where I was standing and pinned me with both arms on either side of me leaning against the wall.
"What if I did? What if I fucked Kyle and thought of you while doing it?"

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