Chapter 27

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Nikki's POV

It had been a few days and I hadn't seen Jake since our fight. All I got was a text from him that simply said I'm sorry. But sorry for what? Sorry for yelling? For showing his true colors? Sorry for not letting me in enough to tell me the truth? Or Sorry for even getting involved with me in the first place? Was he even over his fiance? I had a million thoughts racing through my head and today, I had to face whatever his answer was.
"Hey, sweetie! How was your Thanksgiving?" Ethan asked greeting me as I took my seat in Jake's class.
"Umm, yea, it was good. How was yours?" Diverting the conversation onto him.
"Oh, same old story! My mom always overcooks the turkey and forgets the bread rolls in the oven. It's become a tradition that the smoke alarm goes off and we're visited by the fire department."
"Oh, geez!"
"Hey! I'm not complaining! Hot firefighters all in their uniforms! If she didn't burn the rolls every year, I'd purposely set the fire alarm off!" He said in all his complete sass casually unloading his art supplies from his bag.
"You're ridiculous!" I laughed at him.
"Good morning everyone," A teacher unfamiliar to me walks in getting our attention. "Mr. Harrison is out today so I'll be taking over."

I was surprised he wasn't here, he's never missed a class and he wasn't sick or coming down with anything last I saw him. It had me worried as I began to question all the possibilities of why he wasn't here. And I haven't heard a word from him in the last few days! Even though we left things between us in a difficult and unsure state, I still cared for Jake and I had to know what was going on and if he was alright. He did the same for me.

The minute class was over, I jumped on the subway and made my way to his apartment. As I walked up the steps to his building, I felt nervous butterflies build in my stomach. I rang the buzzer and without answering the intercom he buzzed me right up. Was he expecting someone? When I reached his unit, I knocked on the door and heard shuffling coming from inside until he opened the door he practically shoved money at my face maybe expecting it to be a food delivery.
"N-Nikki!" He was shocked to see me standing there and I couldn't believe my eyes either.

This wasn't at all the man I'd been in the presence of these last few months. This wasn't the same man that held my hand, peppered my neck and my lips with kisses, hugged his niece and nephew, and rocked a newborn baby to sleep! His eyes were bloodshot like he hadn't slept in days. The t-shirt and sweatpants he wore were grungy and wrinkled and his normal facial stubble had turned into a scratchy beard. And the thing that stuck out the most was his breath that smelled of alcohol.

"Jake?" I questioned if this was actually the same person that stood in front of me.
"What are you doing here, Nikki?" He looked to the floor unable to keep his eyes on me.
"I-I came to see if you were alright. You didn't show for class today and I haven't heard from you in days!" I felt a little upset he even had to ask me that question, not figuring it out himself that I would worry about him. He bowed his head again not able to look me in the face and leaned against the door frame. Every part of his body language screamed he was pushing me away, distancing himself from me, again.
"I'm fine."
"Yea, you look fine," I said sarcastically analyzing his body again.
"You should go, Nikki," He said those words, and my heart sank to my stomach. I felt nauseous and I knew what was coming next.
"Why?" I mumbled through my teeth, feeling the tears swelling my throat.
"I can't do this Nikki. I'm not the right guy for you, ok. Y-you deserve better."
"Are you kiddin' me! We're back to that shit again!" I couldn't fight the tears any longer and they burst along with my angry southern slang.
"This is because of what I told you! Isn't it!" I accused. "You don't want me because I'm an abused, broken, terrible person!"
"God damnit, that's not it at all!" He shook his head to the ceiling as if holding back his own stream of tears.
"Then what?" I questioned.
"Nikki," He wouldn't look at me and it flipped a switch of rage inside me.
"THEN WHAT?" I shouted and pushed on his chest slamming his back against the door.
"JACKIE! MY FIANCE! SHE'S FUCKING DEAD! I KILLED HER, ALRIGHT! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR?" He shouted back in defense but it was like he never intended for those words to ever see the light of day.
"Wh-what!" I don't know if anything even came out of my mouth as it dropped open I was so shocked and speechless.
"I'm no better than your fucking father, alright!" I couldn't look in his dark, distant eyes anymore. I didn't even recognize that once shade of ocean blue. I couldn't handle this moment and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Like my heart was being squeezed lifeless as it cracked with the pressure getting harder and tighter.
"See! You don't even have to say anything. I can see it on your face. You'll never look at me the same, and you shouldn't! Goodbye Nikki." He looks at me in defeat before slamming the door in my face. I turned and ran down the stairs and out of the building, trying to inhale a gasp of air but I felt like I was underwater without oxygen.

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