Chapter 28

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Jake's POV

"A toast to an amazing artist and a beautiful woman I get to call mine," I said bringing my champagne flute to hers and clinking glasses as she chuckles at my cheesy speech.
"I'm so proud of you, Jackie."
"I just can't believe this is all happening!" She said, still in shock at her amazing night. Jackie and I had been together since we met freshman year of college. She's an amazing artist and I owe it to her I have a college degree in Fine Arts under my belt. She grew up in the Bronx to a poor family who lived off the system. But she had goals and ambitions to do more and that's what first drew me to her. She was the type of beautiful who didn't know it. She lacked self-confidence and always thought her artwork could be better, but tonight proved it. It was her first art exhibit since we graduated and it was a total success. All her pieces had sold before the end of the night and many gallery owners had already booked her next showings. That meant she had to get busy creating new pieces for the upcoming events.
I had taken her to dinner at a fancy restaurant, not just to celebrate her success but to surprise her with a certain question. I fell in love with her since that first year we met and I was ready to spend the rest of my life with her. I had this planned long before her art exhibit but her recent success made this night all the more special. We finished our dinner and were walking through the dim-lit streets. Stopping in front of a water fountain I took her hands in mine.
"Jackie, you know I love you and it's been the most amazing four years of my life spending it together through college. And now I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise to always be there for you, no matter what life brings," I say getting down on one knee and pulling the ring box from my pocket. "Jaqueline Makenzie, will you marry me?"
"Oh my god, Jake! YES! I love you too!"


It had been a few months since I proposed and I had been prospecting to show my own work in a couple of galleries. Jackie had been hard at work focused on producing new pieces for hers as well. I've gotten used to waking up to an empty bed. She'd get up at the crack of dawn to start painting and not rest until it was finished. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't there to care for her, she wouldn't eat or take a minute to sit down and breathe. It had started to worry me a bit. I woke up one morning and went into the family room to find her diligently painting away. Her clothes were covered with drops of paint but it was her face that I noticed.
"Baby, did you sleep at all last night? You look exhausted," I said trying to pull her away from her canvas.
"I can't sleep, Jake! I have to finish this! I'm not going to finish before the deadline, I just know it!"
"Jackie, baby, you need to relax and not worry so much. Everything will be fine. You still have plenty of time." I move closer to wrap her in my arms but she pushes me away.
"No Jake! I can't do it! I mean look at this! It's total crap! I have to start all over!"
"Baby, I think it's great. I mean it looks a little dark and depressing compared to your regular pieces...but different is good. Are they looking for variety in your work?"
"IT'S SHIT JAKE!" She screams at me and throws her paintbrush that splatters paint through the picture.
"Jackie! You need to stop this ok! You're not yourself!" I forcefully take her hands in mine and make her look at me.
"You haven't slept in days! Your brain is on overload and you're gonna burn yourself out!" I sit her down on the couch and go into the bathroom. Taking a pill bottle from the medicine cabinet I return to find her still sitting there, now slouched over with her head in her hands.
"Here, take one of these. They're sleeping pills my doctor prescribed for me when I couldn't sleep after my dad died. All you need is one and it will knock you out so can get a good night's sleep," I suggest putting the bottle down on the coffee table and wrapping her in my arms again.
"You need to relax Jackie, I'm worried about you."
"I'm sorry I yelled at you. This is just so stressful, I can't take it."
"Baby, I have complete faith in you. If anyone can do it, it's you. You're an amazing artist and I'm here for you every step of the way." I kiss her forehead and cradle her for a bit. It felt like I hadn't been able to get close to her in forever, never mind feel her warm body against mine.
"I love you, Jackie."
"I love you too."

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