Chapter 2

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Nicole's POV

The older fellow, David Webber is a gallery owner. He pulled me aside to speak to me about a potential paid internship at his gallery. I was so grateful for the opportunity. Any extra money I could make I sent back home to Blake. I always feel guilty leaving home and not being there for him.

After a while, I finally caught up with Rachael and Tony.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" Rachael asked me.
"Of course! This is like a dream! Tony, your work is amazing!"
"Oh, thanks, Nikki. It's always intimidating with your own blood, sweat, and tears on display being critiqued by everyone. But rewarding for sure when there are so many buyers interested. One day you'll understand what I mean when all your amazing work is being displayed in an exhibit like this" Tony says and I let out a chuckle.
"If I get so lucky that is! Oh and thank you so much for referring me to David Webber! He offered me the internship position!"
"That's great! It's no problem at all. Congrats!"
"You are going to be so busy with school and work and now this internship! You better save some time to hang out! We can't just see each other behind the bar between hosting drunk old men!" Rachael points her finger at me.
"I'll always leave time to you, Rach!"
Rachael and I have become very close since I moved here three months ago. I met her when I got a part-time job as a bartender for a local pub called Grohl's. Rachael also works part-time while starting her own freelance Graphic Design company. She and Tony met shortly after college and have been together ever since.

As Tony got pulled away by more prospective buyers, Rach stayed behind to keep me company.
"So...I met someone here tonight. I can't seem to find him in the crowd anymore so he probably already left"
"Really! Who is it! Tell me more!" Her eyes perked up with intrigue.
"Take it easy. We only talked about Tony's artwork. I didn't even get his name! But there was something about him!"
"Oooh! A mystery man! Sexy!" She danced her eyebrows up and down and winked causing me to roll my eyes in laughter.
"Why don't you walk around, maybe he's just lost in the crowd. We still have a half an hour before the gallery closes its doors so maybe he hasn't left yet"
I throw her a look implying, yea right! My luck he's already gone and I'll just be stuck dreaming about him for the next two weeks!
But I decided to try anyway and start making my second or third loop around the gallery perimeter. I worked my way through the crowd with no sign of him. I was at the back of the room now ready to turn and head back to the front where Rachael was. Just as I turned my head, someone in the crowd moved, and there he was.
Leaning against the back wall bringing out his rugged side, with his eyes already locked on mine. My breath caught for a second and I retrain my legs to start walking towards him.

"You know, I never caught your name earlier" I said as I approached him with a playful smile on my face.
"So I left an impression on you then I take it?" He said in a flirty tone with a sexy smirk on his face that caused my blood to tingle.
"Perhaps..." I played along and waited for him to give me his name.
"It's Jake. Jake Harrison" He said as he pushed his body off the wall and moved closer to me. Why does the name Harrison sound familiar to me?
"You're not from around here are you?" He said confidently, causing me to blush.
"Why? Do I stick out like a sore thumb?" I asked and he let a large laugh escape his broad chest.
"In a good way. But I thought I heard an accent on you"
"Well, you got me there!" I said lowering my head hiding the blush that seems to keep reappearing around him.
"I'm originally from Mississippi but moved to Virginia a few years back. I guess I'm a bit of a mutt when it comes to accents" I admit nervously laughing.
"Even living in New York now I find myself picking up on the accent here saying caw-fee!" He bursts out laughing again, throwing his head back and I couldn't help but laugh with him.
"You don't want that accent now!"
"Are you from here?" I asked diverting the focus to him now.
"I was born here but my family moved to Jersey when I was a kid" he answers with a sentimental smile.
"So did art bring you to New York then?" He brought the subject back on me. I always hated being the focus of conversation. I never wanted to give too many details into my life to avoid people from finding out about my history.
"Yea, better late than never I guess. I went to college in Maryland but I'm continuing studying here"
Before either of us could keep the conversation going we heard the owner of the gallery speaking loudly above the noise of other guests. Making a final announcement thanking everyone for attending the showing tonight and doors will be closing in a few minutes.
"Oh, well I guess we should get going," I said as I started to turn my body back towards the entrance.
"Have dinner with me Friday night?" He asked firmly and the swarm of butterflies turned my stomach over again. I couldn't deny I was intrigued by this man and I wanted to find out more about him.
"Ok, I'd like that" I said, blushing once more. He took out his phone and we exchanged numbers and he sent me a text so I'd have his.
"I'll send you the details then" As he said those words he kept getting closer to me like he was going in for a kiss. Which I thought was incredibly bold since this was just our first encounter. But there was something about him that made me want to throw it all to the wind and let him. My breath held as I started to close my eyes and I felt his rough stubble graze my lips as he planted a soft kiss on my cheek. Coming out from his kiss he whispered in my ear,
"Until Friday then"
I opened my eyes and we were face to face, only inches of distance between us. I could smell his masculine cologne and feel his warm breath against my face as he nodded with a smirk and a lustful twinkle in his eye before walking away.
"Miss Dawson"

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