Chapter 12

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Nikki's POV

I was so pissed off the rest of the week! I hated guys who used women like that, and that's exactly how Jake made me feel. Rach kept trying to reason with me and tell me Jake wasn't like that but how can I believe her when he hurt me like that?
"I swear Nikki, he's probably fighting with himself about how he feels. I was serious when I told you he hasn't had any real relationship in like seven years!"
"I don't care! I'm done! I want to stop thinking about him!" Which was a whole lot easier said than done since I'll be seeing him every single week the entire semester.
"Ok then, you'll be able to meet other guys at Tony's birthday party this Saturday!" she said all cheery but I let out a heavy sigh knowing that was also easier said than done.
"Unlikely Rach. And don't forget Jake will also be there."
"And why would that stop you from talking to other guys?"
"I don't know!" I tossed my head in my hands and slumped over on the bar.
"I'm so confused! I can't get him out of my damn head! I want to believe you that he didn't use me, but it definitely feels that way. And every time I'm in his class he's staring at me. Those eyes! I can't explain it!"
"Ok, you know what you have to do then? Make him jealous!"
I slightly lifted my slumped head up to look at her wiggling eyebrows before I threw it back down on the bar.
"Oh come on! He needs a stiff kick in the ass and there's nothing better than making him think you've moved on with another guy! It will drive him crazy!"
"Rach," I tried to plead with her, "I told you I don't want a guy if I have to force his hand to be with me! That's what this is! He's made it clear by now he wants nothing to do with me! I'm just the stupid one who's always caught up in the wrong guy!"
"No, you're not! He wants you! I just know it! We're doing this! Jake is a good guy! Like I said, he needs to get his head out of his own ass! And if there's any girl who is capable of doing that, it's you!"

I slumped my head back down on the counter unable to reason with her. I thought about what Rachael said. I've been in relationships before and I've never been the jealous one or the one to purposely make a guy jealous. To me, it just sounds cruel and I've seen other girls with their flirty behavior, their bouncy hair, it was so not me and it was so pathetically fake.
But I knew I wouldn't get Jake off my mind. With everything he said to me in the closet, I go to bed dreaming of him every single night. He already thought I dressed with the intention of him, so what would he do if I dressed for someone else?


It was Monday again and Jake was wrapping up class for today.
Over the last few months, I grew even closer to Ethan. We were in a lot of the same classes and both shared a love of art. Occasionally Ethan would come to Grohls and keep me company during my shift so along the way he became friends with Rachael as well.
"Oh, the hot goober is coming your way, Nikki!" Ethan nudged my shoulder as we were packing our bags.
"Hey, Nicole. How about that drink you promised me?" Kyle asked with his confident side smirk. I didn't promise him anything and I very much disliked this cocky ladies' man. I felt Jake's eyes on the back of my head, practically burning a hole through my skull. It's clear he's not a fan of Kyle and even hinted during the first class not to have any 'distractions' so maybe he was a little jealous. And this served as an opportunity to tug at Jake's strings a little bit.
I turn around flipping my hair like the perky barbie dolls and flashed a sweet smile to Kyle.
"Sure, Kyle. I can't put you off any longer now can I?"
"Really! Wow! I thought you were going to make me work harder!"
I tore a piece of paper out of my notebook and pushed my ass out in front of him as I leaned over and wrote down my phone number.
"I'm pretty busy but here my number. We'll figure something out I'm sure!"
"Great! I'll be calling you then!" His face was beaming with a victorious smile.
"Miss Dawson!" I heard Jake calling me from the front of the class and I could hear the agitation in his voice. I grab my things and begin to walk out of the class with Ethan quickly, pretending I didn't hear him call my name. I didn't want to give him the opportunity to talk to me.
"I think Professor Harrison wanted to speak to you?" Ethan nudged my shoulder looking back in the classroom.
"Oh, he'll catch me next class I guess."
"I can't believe you gave goober guy your number! Are you high?" He said laughing at what he just witnessed.
"Good god no! I would never! I gave him my number...with one wrong digit! I thought it would get him off my back for a little while."
"Well, look at you, you sly bitch!" He laughed even louder linking his arm with mine.
"Hey, so Rach is throwing her boyfriend Tony a surprise birthday this Saturday night. You should come. I need a wingman too. Rach wants to set me up with some guys! Ugh!" I exaggeratedly rolled my eyes.
"Ohhh, count me in! Maybe I'll find one too!"

Friday night came too fast as I was still dreading the weekend festivities. I was finishing up closing down David Webber's art gallery after a showing of a well-known abstract sculptor.
"Thank you for tonight, Miss Dawson. You do know how to work the crowd during these exhibits."
"Thank you, Mr. Webber."
"I hope you don't mind me asking Nicole, are you single?" I was shocked, speechless actually. Yes, I minded him asking me that question! Why does he want to know? He must've read my shocked expression.
"I'm sorry for asking, it's just that...I have a son. He's probably around your age, I think,"
I opened my mouth to give him a response but no words came out, I was still so shocked. I didn't know what to say even if I could speak.
"I just wish he would stop running around and take things seriously for once, you know, be more mature," He kept rambling in his explanation.
"And you, well, you're a beautiful, smart, young lady. Very mature and responsible. Maybe you would rub off on him a little."
"Oh, Mr. We-"
"He's a very nice boy. Perhaps, you could give him a chance and let him take you to dinner?"
Oh lord have mercy! I need to lie through my teeth to squash this awkward, and unprofessional situation!
"Thank you for your praises, Mr. Webber, really. And for thinking of me for your son, but...I am sort of seeing someone. It's new but my focus is on him. I'm sorry I-" He could sense my nervous stuttering.
"You don't have to apologize Miss Dawson. He's a very lucky man. Just keep the option open. My son is stopping by the gallery shortly. You'll get to meet him and see for yourself."
I smile and nod politely until he walks back into the gallery. How inappropriate! I can't believe Mr. Webber would even think to put his employee in that situation. I bring my focus towards finishing my work as I kept my eyes on the time so I could hopefully escape before his son showed up.

I look to the clock and see 6:55 pm, almost time to close up and head home when I hear the bell to the door as it opens and right away, I want to die, or at least hide. I never expected to see him standing in the gallery as I rounded the corner.
"YOU! You're David Webber's son!"
"Yea...fancy seeing you here, Nicole!"
Kyle Webber! David Webber! Why did I not put the two and two together until now! For Christ's sake! Can my luck get any worse!
"And I suppose you put your father up to all this then, huh?" I immediately call him out, rudely as I stood with my arms crossed.
"What are you talking about?" He sounded clueless and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"Oh, Kyle! You made it just in time. I wanted to introduce you to Nicole Dawson before she left for the night."
"Oh, I know Nicole already," he said with his same old cocky smirk.
"You do?"
"Yea, we have the same class. Although, I didn't know she worked here. I'll have to come by more often then," Kyle said with a wink.
"Well, I just asked Nicole if she would consider having dinner with you, son. You could learn a thing or two from her. She's mature, responsible, and has clear, set goals for her career. You two should talk. It's time you need to be thinking about your future, Kyle," He began to lecture him as if I wasn't standing there.
"Alright dad, you can start by not embarrassing me in front of her!" Kyle said through his teeth with his voice down low and I choked back a chuckle under my breath.
"Well then, I'll let you two discuss things. I'm going to go lock up the gallery for the night. I'll meet you both outside." Mr. Webber leaves Kyle and me alone in this awkward situation and I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me down.
"Well, I can't say I wouldn't love taking you out on a date! I did try to call that number you gave me, seems like you can't get rid of me that easily."
"So it seems. Look, Kyle, I work for you dad. This job is very important to me. I don't know how to turn you and dad down but I told him I was sort of seeing someone so I'm really not interested in dinner!" I laid it out frank and blunt as this situation was already making my weekend worse.
"Well, sort of seeing someone doesn't sound like you like him that much. Or it's just a ploy to not go out with me. Either way, who says I can't change your mind?"
"Kyle, I-"
"Come on, one date, and that's it. Then we can get my dad off both our backs. How about next Friday?"
"I work here for your Dad on Fridays."
"And I'm sure he wouldn't mind letting you have the night off for me!" He said taking a step closer to me.
I didn't know how to say no any more than I already have! These Webbers are relentless. It was the ever so persistent Kyle who hadn't left me alone since we met in class. And now his father, my boss pushing me towards his ignorant son.
"Alright, fine. Just ONE and it's just dinner, not a date!"
"We'll see about that Nicole."

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