Chapter 3

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Nikki's POV

Today marked the first day of my classes. I was nervous yet excited. I came to New York to follow my dreams as an artist and challenge myself by completing something that was out of my comfort zone. Nude figure drawing and a few other course requirements were all I needed to complete my Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts.

I hopped out of the shower and towel-dried my hair. The weather was still warm so I opted for a summer spaghetti strap dress. I packed my bag with my school supplies and ran out of the door wanting to grab a coffee before driving to class. Still not being used to the city traffic, I was of course late. Running down the hall fiddling with my bag to find the piece of paper buried deep, I pulled it out to scan the list of my classes and room numbers.

The Art of Figure Drawing - room 208-

I kept walking down the hall at a quick pace as I glanced down at the paper again out of instinct to double-check.

-room 208- Professor Harrison

Interesting, like Jake Harrison from the other night. That must be why that name sounded familiar. Weird coincidence being the same name, I wonder how many Harrisons live in New York City? I said to myself but thought nothing more of it.
I turned the corner and looked up knowing I was coming up to room 208 but stopped dead in my tracks. There he was! Jake Harrison standing there, doing his patented lean against the wall next to the classroom door. Jake Harrison is Professor Harrison? No way! Are you kidding me? I am silently cursing the Gods right now! Of course, this is just my luck!

I stood there staring. My feet not yet able to move and my brain not able to soak in the situation. Jesus, he even looked good in casual wear; wearing a button-up denim shirt and denim jeans. When we made eye contact with each other he seems as shocked as I am seeing each other here and comprehending the situation.
"Umm, Hi!" I said awkwardly approaching him as it was all I could think to say. "I thought Harrison sounded familiar, now I guess I know why"
"You're a student here?" He said still in shock.
"Yea, I said I was finishing my degree studying art...You didn't tell me you were a professor here?" I turned it around on him since he sounded completely agitated like I had purposefully not told him, as if I even knew!
"Well I am, and now I'm your professor it seems!" He said in a stern and disgruntled manner as he pushed himself aggressively from his position on the wall and began walking into the classroom.
"Find a seat!"
His stern tone gave me the impression whatever we had between us the other night was now squashed like a bug on the floor. Feeling defeated and a little rejected, I took my seat in the back of the room.

"Good morning everyone. I'm Professor Harrison and this The Art of Figure Drawing. Let's get to it and take out your syllabus so we can discuss this semester's assignments."
As he was going through the description of the class we were all interrupted by a young male student walking in ten minutes late bringing everyone's attention to the door slamming behind him.
"And let it be known, I Don't accept tardiness" He added to what he was saying without missing a beat.
"Sorry man," the late student said in a relaxed and arrogant manner. He took the open seat next to me, winking as he sat down. I heard a loud throat being cleared and looked up to see Professor Harrison glaring at us.
"Boy, this semester is gonna be fun with this hardass, huh?" the cocky student said leaning into my ear. "I'm Kyle by the way"
"Nicole," I said, trying to keep my attention on the syllabus.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Nicole," He said in a flirtatious cocky tone and I heard another loud throat clear coming from the front of the class.
"You better watch it. I think you're already on his bad side"
"That's usually how it is. But I can't help it if I like being bad" he whispered with another cocky wink.
Of he did. He seemed like the bad boy type with his long shaggy hair that looked been washed in a few days. I focused my attention back on the syllabus and listened to what Professor Harrison was lecturing.
"This course will investigate the variations of emotion through psychology to see past the Art and find the expressions, the vulnerability, the hidden meaning behind each person being portrayed" He looked up and his vibrant eyes met mine, shooting shivers up my spine.
"Using multiple forms of media such as charcoal, pen and pencil, acrylic paints, and watercolors, you will create renderings of the human body in the nude." He said the words that made me swallow loudly as somehow the taste of nervousness filled my mouth.
"You'll be studying the anatomical structure of the human figure through close observation and artistic representation." He kept explaining as he casually paced around the room every now and then looking up at the array of students and his eyes always lingered back to me.
"This course is intended to appreciate the naturalistic art form of the human body and what it can portray if you just look a little closer." He looked over at me again.
"With all that being said, I expect every single person in this class to be the mature adults I hope you are..." he darts his eyes to Kyle sitting next to me before bringing his eyes to me again. "And to challenge yourselves to do some good searchin'." He tried to hide a smirk forming and cleared his throat turning serious again.
"That is all for today. The course is outlined in the syllabus on what supplies are required for each week's class. Come prepared or don't come at all. And I'll say it again for those who need the reminder, don't be late!"
"Oh, I won't be if there's gonna be naked chicks waiting for me!" Kyle whispered in my ear again not so subtly.
"I hope you realize there's probably going to old naked chicks and probably guys we have to draw too!" I said, looking at him thinking this guy can't be for real, right? How did he even get into college?
"Well, let's hope there will be some fine ass naked men for me to ogle at!" Said the flamboyant guy sitting on the other side of me, chiming into our conversation.

By now the cocky smile Kyle wore had been wiped clean off and before he could even say anymore, we were interrupted by the deep, masculine grumble I was now getting very familiar with.
"Miss Dawson, can I speak to you upfront!" It sounded more like a command than anything.

Everyone took their leave as I gathered my things and walked up to his desk at the front of the room.
He turned his body towards me and leaned his ass against the edge of his metal desk in a relaxed manner, yet stern with his arms folded over his chest and his bulging biceps ready to tear through his sleeves.
"I can tell you have the potential to go places. That being said, you should take this class very seriously. It can open a lot of doors for your career"
"I do take this seriously!" I said biting back a little offended he thought that.
"Good. Then don't let there be any distractions!" He said in a certain tone of jealousy and I know he was talking about Kyle.
"He is not the distraction!" I said, folding my arms over my chest. I wanted to play with him a bit to see if I'd get a rise out of him on how he felt about me. He stood up moving closer with his ocean blue orbs staring at me.
"I'm your professor now. Anything that was once between us can't happen now" he said in a dominant tone but I saw his eyes fill with lust and want. He quickly turns around and begins packing his things from his desk before throwing his bag over his shoulder and turning around to face me before walking out.
"No distractions!" He ordered again and I couldn't suppress the feelings I had for him. He may not act on it but he's ordering me to not seek out anyone else. Why? Because he wanted me, and I knew it.

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