Chapter 31

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Nikki's POV

"George, really, I'm fine." I pleaded with my boss again for the hundredth time but he's a relentless hardcore Italian who doesn't take no for an answer and is more persistent than both of the Webber men combined.
"Nicole, sweetheart. I insist. You've been through an unimaginable traumatic experience and I don't want to see you in here until after the New Year! Take this time off to enjoy and relax and properly heal. Look at you, you're all slouched over in pain from broken ribs. It kills me to even look at you and know it all started in my establishment!" He spoke in a thick Italian accent but used his hands more than his mouth.
"George, it wasn't your fault. But please, they just upped my rent and without this job and the nightly tips, I can't afford it." I bowed my head as my cheeks flushed in embarrassment admitting how filthy poor I am.
"Here," he sighed and walked over to the cash register just dumping money into his hands before handing it over to me.
"No, I can't take your money like this," I said pitifully feeling weak again.
"Nikki," George grabbed my hand and pushed the money back to me. "When my parents came here from Italy, I was five years old and they had ten dollars to their name. My father worked harder than I've ever seen someone work in their life, picking this place up off the ground. We shamefully borrowed money from friends of ours and when I was a teenager I told him it made us look weak. And you know what he said to me?" I shook my head still looking to the floor.
"He said it happens to the best of us, kid. Kind people help each other out as a way of spreading love. And what makes the world go round is when that person is no longer struggling, they will pay it forward to do the same kind gesture to someone else in need." He curled my fingers around the money before squeezing it gently in his palms.
"So, you take the money and all the time you need and know a job is here waiting for you for however long you need it."
"Thank you, George. I promise I'll pay you back though."
"If you insist, then promise to hang one of your paintings up here when you've made it big. I want to brag to everyone who comes in here that I know the famous Nicole Dawson." His excited comments made me blush and I reluctantly took the money and hugged him before walking out of Grohls.

Despite George's incredibly generous amount of money, it would be enough for one month's increased rent plus groceries and art supplies needed to finish up the missed work for my other classes. And to make things even worse, I got a screaming voicemail from Mr. Webber calling me all sorts of disgraceful names and firing me for the embarrassing outburst I let out on his son. That would be even more of George's money leaving my pocket and absolutely none coming in for the next two months.
I couldn't even focus on my other art classes. I spent my nights thinking about Jake and my days subconsciously painting him from my memories. I captured his mesmerizing ocean blue eyes that changed color like the seasons. Turning from the mysterious man when we first met to portraying the happiness he evoked when we were together. And also the darkness that burdened him from his past.
I still hadn't heard from him and the weird thing was neither had Tony or Rachael. My heart was broken, and I worried about him all the time. Hoping he was ok, wondering where he went, wondering if he was even thinking about me. It got to the point I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere with my life, and the dreams I had come here to achieve were nowhere in sight. I had failed and to put it plainly, there was nothing left for me in New York City. I paid my final month's rent, dropped out of school, packed up everything, and cried the entire car ride back to Virginia.


I arrived mid-afternoon, pulling down the long rocky driveway to the house I called home for years. Blake was most likely already at work so I wouldn't see him until dinner time. I saw my Nanna out on the porch just like when I left, rocking away in her old rocking chair staring out into the abyss of nothing.
"Hey Nanna," I said stepping up the porch stairs.
"What are you doing home?" She asked coldly, not taking her gaze away.
"I-I came home early for Christmas break, I guess." Too cowardly to tell her the truth, I changed the subject.
"How are you and Blake doin'?"
"Same ol' same," she shrugged.
I walked into the house and brought my suitcases to my room. Noticing on my way back to the living room all the dirty laundry left around, the dishes still piled high in the sink, and the whole house needing a good vacuum and dusting. I guess the only the only thing that has changed is I'm not here to take care of everything. I felt so bad leaving Blake here with no help.
I got to work on cleaning the dishes and then onto the laundry. I go to the pantry to get dinner started before busying myself with the vacuuming and dusting but, to my surprise and yet I shouldn't be surprised, there was hardly any food left.
"Ugh," I let out a sigh, talking to myself. "Off to the store I go." I grab my keys and bag and head out the door.
"There's no food in the house. I'm goin' to the store, do you need anythin' while I'm out?" I asked my Nanna.
"Can you pick my medicines at the pharmacy?"

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