How Far We've Come

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"If this were a movie, this is how it would end." Amber looks at herself in the mirror. Make-up done. Hair piled on top of her head. A strapless straight off-white dress. "I can't believe Con is giving me away."

"Did you really want your father here?" Autumn asks. Amber shakes her head.

"I can't imagine being happier than I am now," Amber admits.

"I know I'll be happier when all this is done and everything can go back to normal," Autumn says.

"Would you move back to Lilac Valley?" Amber asks.

"No," Autumn replies. "The taxes are lower, the mortgage is lower, and there's no ConEd. The only ConEd I accept is Con and Eddie." She pauses. "But I would be able to go into the wand shop or potion shop or amulet shop without Con as my bodyguard." Amber looks down. "What?"

"I don't want to ruin the day," she says. "I'll tell you another time."


They dance to "Hungry Like the Wolf."

The song changes to "How Far We've Come."

Lila enters the catering hall.

Con notices and blocks her.

"You're not on the guest list," he says.

"I wonder why," she says.

"You're not ruining Amber's wedding," Con says. "Get out now."

"Or what?" Lila asks. "You'll kill me?"

"If you leave now, I'll let you live," he says.

"Fine," Lila says. She whispers into his ear. "I like a slow-burn." Con stares at her. "When it comes to death. It's ne sais quoi? Satisfying."

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