Moving In

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Don't give your girlfriend a key to your apartment on Valentine's Day.

Do tell your best friend about it first.

"She's moving in?" Con asks. "Today? You couldn't give me a little heads up?"

Eddie rushes around the apartment, trying to make everything look presentable.

"Shouldn't you consult with your roommate about that first?" Con asks. "You've only been together four months."

"We're not kids," Eddie says. "You like her."

"I barely know her," Con points out. "She's cute. She's a chef. But I don't want some human in our apartment. In our town. The last time we got too close to a human, we found out her dad killed my mom."

"She's not Amber," Eddie says. "And she knows. She knows about me. She knows about this town."

"What does she think about the werewolf thing?" Con asks. "Will she bring silver jewelry into the apartment? I don't want to be treated like a monster who's going to burn down the town and eat everybody in my own home. It's bad enough we have to take potions or lock ourselves in our rooms during the full moon."

"I know you're not going to burn down the town or eat everybody," Eddie says. "Vampires used to be right above werewolves. Now that we get blood from animals or steaks and burgers..." Con smirks. "We're not monsters anymore."

"You think we should...what?" Con asks. "Adapt? We've been hated for too damn long. We have restrictions for the full moon. Put silver in your store and you're basically saying: werewolves not welcome here."

"Well the church isn't very vampire-friendly," Eddie points out. "Or the pizzeria." Con smiles. "She doesn't care. She's cool. She's cool and she likes me."

"She'd be an idiot not to," Con says.

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