🔥Serious Joker🔥

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I'm currently at the fundraiser, 'dressed to impress' as Sophie put it. People were everywhere, talking and laughing. It was great to see so many people who support Harvey. I saw Alfred walking towards Harvey just as Rachel walked off. I followed him, getting to Harvey at the same time.

"A little liquid courage Mr. Dent?" That honestly doesn't sound like a bad idea at this point. I mean with the night that's surely ahead.

"Thank you. Alfred right?" Damn straight.

"That's right sir" I smiled a tad as I listened on. All the people here really did seem to be enjoying themselves. And with this turn out it's surely to be a good night for Harvey.

"Rachel talks about you all the time. You've known her her whole life" Alfred gave a smile. Rachel is practically family to us. I go to her all the time for girl stuff that dad would have no clue how to handle.

"Not yet sir" Harvey laughed. He really is crazy about Rachel. Since they met, she's been happier. Light hearted and enjoying life. Not that she didn't with my dad. But it was so hard to be happy.

"Any psychotic boyfriends i should know about?" Ha! I'd love to answer this one. But I don't think my dad would appreciate it. He'd probably choke me. So I'll be good.

"Oh you have no idea" Alfred grinned, giving me that knowing look. I couldn't help but laugh at the look on Harvey's face.

"Don't worry, he was only teasing you" Harvey looked at me upon hearing my voice, giving me a smile. The smile that has won all these people over to the new face of Gotham.

"Miss Wayne. Pleasure to see you again" I grinned. And pleasure on my end because I finally get to have that interview everyone is so excited about at work.

"Pleasure is all mine. And please, call me Bella" He grinned.

Just then, everyone turned to look outside upon hearing the helicopter landing. A few seconds later, dad came walking in with three girls, smiling. I just sighed, shaking my head, then grinned. Him and his dramatic entrances.

"I'm sorry that i'm late. Glad to see you all got started without me. Now, where is Harvey?" He spotted Harvey, then grinned. Oh he's being over dramatic now. His reactions to Harvey are hilarious at this point.

"Harvey Dent, the man of the hour. Where's Rachel Dawes?" Upon spotting her from her name being called, he smiled brightly as he pointed towards her. Oh dad please don't embarrass yourself tonight. Or me.

"She is my oldest friend. You know when Rachel first told me that she was dating Harvey Dent i had one thing to say. The guy from those god awful campaign commercials? I believe in Harvey Dent? Yeah, nice slogan Harvey" By this point, i was just holding my hand against my forehead, feeling so bad for Harvey. I figured dad would add something like this to his speech. He just had to get his jabs in to make his ego even bigger.

But the way he was looking at Rachel as she approached brought slight tears to my eyes. I hate seeing dad so truly unhappy.

"But, you caught Rachel's attention, and then i started to pay attention to Harvey. And all that he's been doing as our new DA, and you know what? I believe in Harvey Dent. I believe that on his watch, Gotham can feel a little safer. And a little more.... optimistic." I grinned, so glad he finally said something nice. I looked over at Rachel, to see a little smile on her face, but could tell that she was miffed with dad. She knew him so well.

"Look at this face. This is the face of Gotham's bright future. To Harvey Dent. Let's hear it for him" Everyone clapped, smiling. The speech went better than expected. I smiled at Harvey. Not to long after, dad went outside, looking over the city. Rachel followed close behind.

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