🔥Mr. Pennyworth (Memories)🔥

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Siting in the car, looking out the window on this gloomy day, definitely wasn't helping my mood.  Alfred offered to take me to Arkham since my dad couldn't face doing it. I looked up at Alfred in the mirror, noting the tears in his eyes. I felt like to was going to crumble.

Looking at him, I just wanted to scream, please Alfred! Take me back home. Everything will be okay. Please! But I knew that wouldn't happen. He would look at me and say, Bella, I want you to have the help you deserve. You can't come home with all of this in your mind.

And I would know he's right. But that doesn't make it any easier. I looked down at the heart necklace wrapped around my bag, the one my dads mom, Martha, gave to him when he was a kid.

I opened it, seeing Martha and Thomas's pictures inside, smiling a little. They were very cute together. And they look so happy. I looked up at Alfred, remembering the time he gave this to me.


"Bella! Now where are you?" I could hear Alfred walking down the hallway just outside my door. But I couldn't face him. I couldn't stop crying.

Dad just left. Saying he had to travel the world, to confront some things of his own. And left me behind. I can't even describe the feeling I have right now. I want to hate him for leaving. But in a way, I get why he did leave. But what if he never comes back?

"Bella! Oh, there you are. I was beginning to worry." Alfred looked down at me sitting on the floor, a sad look on his face. He could tell I had been crying.

"Oh Bella. Please. Sit up here with me." He patted the spot next to him. And I slowly got up, sitting down next to him. He looked at me, patting my hand in a comforting manner.

"Now, I know it's hard having your dad leave. But let me tell you this. He left because he's destined for something greater. And in order for that greatness to come, he had to find himself first." I gave him a confused look.

"But when will he come back?" He shook his head a little.

"I'm not sure Bella. But hopefully soon." He reached into his pocket, taking out a locket. A heart shaped one. It was so beautiful.

"Martha, your grandmother, gave this to Bruce when he was just a kid. So, when they were gone, he'd have that to look at. So he'd see their faces. It always made him feel better." I took it from Alfred, opening it, smiling.

"It's very beautiful." He grinned down at me to see that I was mesmerized by this locket. I absolutely loved it.

"It is. And I think your dad would love for you to have this. Something very close to him." I hugged Alfred, crying a little more. Something that means this much to daddy, means the world to me also.

"Thank you Alfred. For everything." He hugged me back tight, softly patting my back. I don't know what I'd do without Alfred.

"You are most welcome Bella."


And after we left school that day, Alfred saw me looking at that guy. Now that I think about it, he looked very familiar.

"So. Bella. Do you fancy him?" I looked behind me out the window, seeing the guy standing there, smirking a little. He gave me a little wave. I smiled back, waving as well as Alfred grinned.

"I think he fancies you as well." I grinned.

"Oh Alfred. Please." He laughed a little.

"You never know what the future holds." 

The car came to a stop, pulling me from my mind. I looked back up at Alfred, seeing him looking at me. Then got out of the car, slowly pulling my bag with me.

"Are you sure you have everything?" I couldn't help it. I dropped my bag, giving him the worlds biggest hug.

"What's this?" I smiled.

"For always being here for me. No matter what has happened, you're always there to help me through it." He hugged me back. I pulled back, kissing him on the cheek. He smiled a little, keeping his tears at bay.

"Now you take care of yourself in here. Please." I smiled.

"I will." I'm so thankful to have Alfred in my life. Through everything, he has been there. I couldn't be luckier.

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