🔥Scars (Extras)🔥

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"Ooooh doll! Wake up now. Wake up!" I slowly opened my eyes, seeing Jack hovering over me. With a knife. My eyes widened a tad, eyeing the knife.

"Um. Jack? What's wrong?" He laughed, manically, running the knife through the air as a panicked feeling washed over me.

"Nothing! Nothing at all doll. I just want... I just wanna do some uh.. touch ups, to this beautiful face of yours." At first I pulled away. But then, I embraced the idea, grinning a little. I slowly rose up on my knees, coming face to face with him, taking the knife from his hands.

"Let me..." I licked the sides of my mouth, preparing myself, breathing deeply, slowly putting the knife in my mouth. I instantly drug the knife up my face,right through my lip. I grimaced in pain, tasting the cooper taste of blood in my mouth. Jack looked at me, smirking a little.

"Oh dooooll. Let me do the rest!" He took the knife from my hand, lightly licking the blade, blood covering his tongue. He slowly brought the knife to the other side, dragging it through my skin, smirking the whole time.

I sucked in a huge breath, breathing in and out as Jack grinned, throwing the knife down onto the bed. He lightly traced my scars, smirking at his handy work.

"Now you're always smiling!"
I jumped awake, feeling the sides of my mouth. Same old mouth. I sighed a little, looking around my room, noting my balcony door was standing wide open. I slowly got up, walking out on to the balcony, looking over the lawn.

I was about to walk back inside, when I noticed a black rose laying on the railing. I grinned, picking it up, noting blood drops on the tips of the petals. I could smell it. I inhaled it, grinning. Oh! Joker knows the way to my heart.....

Lovely Scars {A Heath/Joker Story}Where stories live. Discover now