🔥Agent of Chaos🔥

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I never fully realized just how cool dads hideout is! Mr. Fox has really done a great job on all the gadgets. So many cool ones. And they always get the job done. I normally don't come down here, but I figured I might as well. Dad and Alfred we're watching the monitors.

"Targeting me won't get their money back. I knew the mob wouldn't go down without a fight but this is different. They've crossed the line." All hell as broke lose in Gotham and no one knows what to do at this point. Dad keeps trying to come up with the answer. And nothing seems to work. 

And I've gone extra hard into my work to dig up anything I possibly can. But there's nothing. There's nothing on Jack. Nothing on Joker. He's just come out of nowhere. Like he's from outer space.

"You've crossed the line first. So you've squeezed them and hammered them to the point of desperation. And in their desperation, they turn to a man they didn't fully understand." I kept my eyes on one monitor in particular. The one with Joker on it. Every time I see him I feel like i can't breathe. And it's so hard to focus on anything else but him.

He knows how to get someone's attention. As you can see because of recent events. Honestly, it's like Gotham has no fighting chance.

"Criminals aren't complicated Alfred. We just need to figure out what he's after." If only you knew dad. If only. And if he did, there would be hell to pay. Jack is a complicated man. Even for me and I'm a journalist. My job is to know people. But I can't even figure him out.

"With respect Master Wayne, perhaps this is a man you don't fully understand ither." I just sighed. Honestly, I don't fully understand him myself. He's just one big mystery. He hides behind his face paint. It seems I'm the only one that he's truly shown another side of himself to. And all I know is his name is Jack.

But that's as far as my knowledge goes. But yet, everything he does just fascinates me. I just want to know what's happened in his life for this to happen.

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical. Like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn." I looked at Alfred, then back to the screen, seeing Jack laughing.

He definitely wants to watch the world burn. He's had a front row seat to it lately. And the chaos being caused from it just adds to the fuel.


Being back at work felt so good. Right when I stepped foot off the elevator, Sophie was waiting for me, a grin on her face.

"She's finally back!" I laughed. I've been working at home. If I couldn't come into work, then I had to do it somehow. And if home was all I could pick, then i was good with that. Dad knew I couldn't stay away for long.

"You make it sound like I was gone for years." She laughed. Then hugged me hard than she ever has, making me grin from ear to ear. I love this girl. There's so many reasons shes my best friend. And this is it.

"I'm just glad you're safe." I hugged her back in a tight hug. I'm just glad she's safe. I worry about her all the time since Jack showed up. I don't want him getting a wild hair up his ass and decide to hurt my family.

"Ed called not that long ago, asked if I wanted to cover the parade. Gives me something to do." Sophie grinned knowing I was in my element. She knows me better than anyone honestly. She knows how crazy I go when I can't work. I had to do something. If not, I would go insane thinking about Jack and what's going to happen.

"I was supposed to go with. But I have a lot of work to do on another article." I shook my head, smiling. It'll feel good to get out there and work on something alone. I love Sophie as my partner in crime. But I need this badly.

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