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After the fundraiser, dad made sure that I stayed home for a couple of days. Said I needed to stay low. Let me tell you, I was going insane just sitting around the house. I know there is plenty to do. But I was so focused on what was actually happening to do a thing. But, It's given me plenty of time to think. And about none other than the clown prince of crime himself.

The main thing is me dangling from that window. Surly I thought he'd drop me, giving me that smirk of his and say he was only joking about not hurting me. But he seemed so serious. And that's what scares me the most.

He's had numerous times where he could easily hurt me. Or kill me. But never once has he attempted it. And honestly, I've never actually felt frightened by him. That's another thing that scares me. I should run when I see him. Yet, I get closer. In all honesty, he fascinates me.

I just want to know the reason for his scars. How he got them, who gave them to him. And why. He's causing all sorts of chaos and anarchy for Gotham. That should have me running for the hills right there. But no. I have to be me and just get closer to the insanity. But hey, don't judge.

"Bella?" I was shaken from my thoughts upon hearing my dad. And here we go. I simply smiled at him once he entered.

"Hey dad. What's up?" He smiled a little back at me with his fatherly look showing in full force like he was truly worried about my well being.

"The fundraiser..." I groaned. He seriously is still going on about this. I can handle myself. Everything turned out okay. I didn't die. That's a start right?

"Dad please. I'm okay. Everyone is okay." He gave a little smile. He knows how much I've grown. But that doesn't stop him from being my dad. And I'm okay with that.

"I know. The question I have is about Joker" I froze. Oh no. What does he want to know? Or does he know something already?

"Oh yeah? What?" Play it cool. Don't act guilty of anything or hell surly catch on. Not that I am anyway. But still.

"He seems to have taken a liking to you." That's not the word for it... believe me if he only knew just how many times we've talked. And I still can't get over it.

"Don't know why honestly." I hate lying to him. But I didn't see another way around it. Not right now. I have to see this through just to know what he truly wants with me.

"Just please, be careful. I know I've told you this countless times. But I mean it" I rose from my bed, saluting him. He's really trying. Everyone always thinks he wouldn't be a good dad because of his lifestyle. But they've got it all wrong.

"Yes sir" He gave a little laugh. Then hugged me, leaving me to my thoughts. 


Going back to work tomorrow will be such a good distraction. And hopefully I can get on some of the action going on with the GCPD. Jim said I could maybe help investigate some things. But nothing major. It's something anyway. But now, it's time for sleep. I was currently downstairs in the sitting room with Dad and Alfred, when I rose from my chair, smiling.

"Well, I better go to sleep. Got to get up bright and early." I gave Alfred and Dad a hug, kissing each of their cheeks, then went on up to my room. Upon entering, I noticed my balcony window was wide open.

I froze, instantly looking around for anyone. I slowly walked further into the room, turning on my light, seeing Jack sitting on my bed, grinning. And I about peed my pants.

"Such a beautiful room. It really uh, fits you." He rubbed his hand along my bed, then rose, slowly walking around the room. And my heart wouldn't stop racing with each step he took.

"Jack. What are you doing here??" He laughed like he thought I was crazy. I mean I'm just confused. Why does he keep doing this? What does he want with me?

"I figured you'd be happy to see me beautiful. Or are you disappointed?" He gave me a pouty face. I just grinned slightly. He really isn't giving me the vibes like he's going to slaughter me.

"How could I be disappointed?" He grinned. Then came over to me, grabbing my hand. I didn't know what to do honestly. I'm in my room, alone, with the joker. But yet, I still didn't feel fear. That's what I don't understand.

"No need to worry doll." Hard to do that when I don't know what's going to happen here. I'm a little scared to be honest.

"Okay really. I can't help it. What do you really want? Is it my dad? Or what?" He just stared at me like I stabbed him or something. I mean geez a girl wants to know why some dude she barely knows is stalking her. It's driving me insane.

"Jack? Please." He gently brought his hand to my face, rubbing his thumb across my mouth with a thoughtful look. He seemed lost in his own mind.

"No no silly. You see, I want you. I mean sure, it was just going to be a little uh, visit at the paper. But I decided I couldn't do that. You're perfect" I widened my eyes. What? For what? Because I'm so confused. He barely knows me.

"What are you talking about?" He laughed manically. What joke am I missing out on? Because i'd like to know.

"Oh, you know. Things." I shook my head in frustration. He just smirked. Like it was just oh so hilarious to see me so mad. I can't take it anymore.

"Getting mad are we?" I shook my head. Yes frankly. But do I tell the Joker that and live to see tomorrow?

"I just don't understand you." He looked at me, his smirk fading. Did I say something wrong again?

"But I want to...." He gave such a serious look. For a moment I figured he was mad. But then he gave a little grin, recovering from whatever he was thinking.

I bravely brought my hand to his mouth, placing my finger gently on his scars. At first he flinched. But then stopped himself.

"Your scars. I want to know the real reason for them. And it's not your 'wife' as you have already told." He gave me a hard look, then smacked my hand away, backing up. Then he looked at me, bringing that grin back to his face as I stood there in shock. He smacked me.... must be one hell of a touchy subject.

"Must be going doll. Have lots of things to plan. Gotham is in for a surprise." Jack went out the balcony door, turning to look at me, then jumped down. I walked over and closed the door, locking it, then slid down it. This is all confusing.

He wants me. Not my dad. But me. But hell, he doesn't know my dad is Batman. Otherwise it'd be a whole other story. Even though I tried telling myself this, I knew it wasn't true. When he said that, he was so serious. He wasn't joking around this time.

So what does he have planned next? Only time will tell.


{The image I posted for this chapter, is basically what I envisioned Bella's balcony to look like. I love it and I hope you all do as well!} 😀

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