🔥Madness As We Know It🔥

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Joker has his men lined up all over the building, just waiting for Batman to show. He wants it that way. Nothing is ever simple with Joker though. And there's still the crisis with the boats. If this keeps up, Jack will blow them both sky high without having even a second thought.

Now I'm just waiting for dad to come. My heart is beating so fast. Fear. Worry. Just the thought of all those people dying isn't a pleasant one.

He slowly turned, looking at me with that grin of his. He seemed to honestly love how he's making me feel. He has this control over me. And he'll never let that go.

"Oh Bell... That's what I want." He laughed, turning towards the windows. I looked behind me, seeing his dogs standing there, their teeth showing. I recoiled, moving closer to Jack.

I looked up at him, studying him. He didn't look worried at all. But of course, why would he? The dogs starting barking, causing me and Jack to turn, seeing my dad. I instantly froze when he looked at me. Oh no dad.....

"Aaaah, you made it. I'm so thrilled" I looked up at Jack, giving him a little look. He didn't notice. He was too thrilled that the Batman actually showed to his party.

"Where's the detonator?" Joker looked at him a moment, then moved to give his dogs just the right moment to to go after him, making my eyes go wide in fear and terror.

"Go get him." I started to run. I can't help it. This is my dad and no matter what, I can't see him hurt!

"No!" The dogs started to attack dad as Jack looked at me like I had gone crazy, grabbing my arm forcefully before I could get any further, leaning me towards him with this grimace on his face that stopped my heart.

"Now now doll, there's no neeeed, to put yourself in harm." I just stared at him in utter fear. But he ate it up. He wants me to go mad. That's his plan. And as he went over towards my dad, beating him with the metal pole he was holding, I felt this rush. Like I could burst.

And I ran in the middle of it all, trying to stop this, until me and dad got caught in rope suddenly hanging all around us, causing us to fall. Jack looked down at me, a look of worry flickered through his eyes. I tried to reach towards him, but dad jumped up, causing Jack to jump from sight.

We both looked around for him, when he jumped out of nowhere, causing me to fall to the ground. My breath was caught in my throat. Dad fell back, giving Jack the chance to knock a bar down over him, hovering over him.

"Maybe we should stop this fighting." Oh no. The boats! I started to run toward them just as Jack started to speak.

"And heree weeee... go." I fell next to Jack, closing my eyes. I couldn't watch this. Jack kept looking at them, getting a confused look on his face. He looked over at the clock.

They didn't blow up. I blew out the breath I was holding in relief. For whatever reason they didn't blow. And my dad seemed relieved as well. But he was so focused on Jack and his craziness.

"What were you trying to prove? That deep down, everyone is as ugly as you? You're alone." Jack threw the pole back, grunting. He wasn't bothered by dad anymore. He was annoyed his plan wasn't working. Again. Just like the hospital. Except I hope it doesn't blow suddenly at the last minute.

"Can't rely on anyone these days. You gotta do everything yourself. Don't we??" Jack pulled out another detonator. My eyes widened. Really?

"That's okay. I came prepared." He pressed the button, causing me to grab his arm. He looked over at me, pulling his arm from my grip with such force it almost knocked me over. But he grinned anyway.

"It's a crazy world we live in. Speaking of which, you know how I got these scars?" Oh no. Dad doesn't care. What's on his mind, is stopping Jack.

"No, but I know how you got these!" Dad pressed a button on his suit, hitting Jack in the face with blades. Then he grabbed Jack, throwing him off the building.

The terror I felt then I will never be able to describe. I instantly ran toward the edge, watching Jack as he fell, screaming. Dad grabbed me, keeping me from falling, then shot down his wire towards Jack, hooking on to him.

By now I was crying, and then relief hit when dad pulled him back up, hanging him in front of us. I thought that was it. And my whole world was crashing down. I can't lose him.

"You... you just couldn't let me go could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You... truly are.. incorruptible. Aren't you? Huh? You won't kill me out of some... misplaced sense of self righteousness. And iiii.. won't kill you, because you're just too much fun." I couldn't keep my eyes from Jack. This feeling of.. fear I had was killing me. I felt like, this was it. But in a way, I knew it wasn't. He looked over at me, staring at me a moment longer, grinning. Then turned back to dad.

"I think you and i are destined to do this forever." Dad looked between us in so much confusion that he seemed angered by it. But he wanted to keep his focus on the task at hand right now. Getting Jack to Arkham. And I knew that's what was going to happen. It always does.

"You'll be in a padded cell forever." Jack seemed so humored that he just loved it. He loves how mad he was making Batman. He loved toying with him. It was his new hobby. His favorite hobby.

"Maybe we could share one." He looked at me more then he did dad saying this. I couldn't help but smile a tad.

"They'll be doubling up the rate this city's inhabitance are losing their minds." I looked up at dad. This city is going crazy, that's for sure.

"This city... to show you.. that its full of people ready to believe in good." So much was happening that I didn't see the line between good and bad anymore.

"Until their spirit breaks completely. Until they get a good look at the real Harvey Dent." Harvey. Another person driven to madness. He lost the only love he truly knew. He's lost everything now.

"And all the heroic things he's done." Dad looked up at Joker. He was definitely listening now.

"You didn't think I'd risk loosing the battle for Gotham's soul in a fist fight with you? Noooo... you need, an ace in the hole. Mines Harvey." And then he looked to me. Dad noticed, turning to me. Then back. He was upset. Really upset.

"What did you do?" But Jack didn't care. He was proud of what he's done. He'd do it all over again if he could.

"I took Gotham's white knight, and iii, brought him down to our level. It wasn't hard. See, madness as we know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push." Jack started to laugh, pushing himself back in a swinging motion. He was having so much fun making everyone squirm. He's done lots of damage that Gotham will never come back from.

And Dad jumped up to leave, just as the SWAT team came up. I couldn't move. They were taking Jack. My Jack. And I already knew where. To Arkham Asylum.

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