🔥The Clowns View (Extras) 🔥

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Warning: This is a bit dark.

You know what really kills me? Is when your parents fight so much and bicker and banter, to the point where you have to leave your own house to hear yourself think.

But my thoughts aren't exactly good ones. Oh no. The thoughts I have aren't normal. But honestly, I have never been normal. Knifes Guns Clowns All things randomly put in my mind. But what does it mean? Before I can think anymore, I hear a bloodcurdling scream.

Mom. I run to the house, fear lacing through me. I bust through the front door, running into the living room, to see dad throw mom to the floor. I stopped in my tracks upon seeing dad. His eyes were pitch black pits. He had a knife raised in the air, panting.

Then he saw me, coming towards me. I tried to pull back, but he grabbed me, putting the knife to my face as I felt utter fear take over me.

"Son, your mommy here, was gonna leave. I couldn't have that. So I stopped her." I looked at mom laying right next to my feet, her face put into a smile as my eyes widened. What has he done to her....? But he suddenly jerked my head back to him.

"Why so serious???" I couldn't move. I was stuck in place. I should kick him. Kick him then kill him. Yeah.....

"How about this." He put the blade inside my mouth, gently cutting through my mouth. I hissed in pain. But I won't show him my agony. Nooooo... he'd eat that up.

"Let's put a smile on that face!" He instantly drug the blade up my face in one tug, causing me to scream. Then he did it to the other side. It hurt so bad that I could help it.

I jerked away from him, holding my mouth. Blood was all over my hands. Then I slowly looked up, seeing him drop the knife to the floor.

"Son..." I didn't feel fear anymore. Oh no. I felt anger. Burning rage. I slowly walked towards him, looking at the knife, then him. He noticed, instantly lunging for it. But I got it first, slinging the blade across his arm.

"You know pops, you're too serious. How about a smile? Hummmm...." He looked at me in horror, bumping into the wall. I brought the blade to his mouth, cutting right through, dragging the blade all the way up his face.

He tried to pull away, but no. I'm not having that. I threw him to the floor, kicking him over and over. He tried to get up but I kept kicking.

"This is what you get pops!! Beat me up, I beat you up!" Then I jumped on him, sending the blade through his chest with the most amazing feeling coursing through me.

"Well pops, looks like it's the end of the road for you." I jumped up, watching him slowly close his eyes as I looked into the mirror across from me, seeing the scars. Now, I'm always smiling.

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