🔥Gotham City🔥

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"Dad! Im off to work!" I ran down the stairs, trying not to fall on my face. Oh! Let me introduce myself, I'm Bella Wayne. Daughter to Bruce Wayne. Yes, the Bruce Wayne. To Gotham, he's the multi billionaire playboy. But to me, he's my dad. And he's a great one.

Yes, we've had our troubles over the years. But we're always a team. And we also have Alfred. He's been apart of the Wayne family for many years. Without him, i think my dad would be pretty lost. Even if he won't admit it out loud, he knows it.

I finally made it down the stairs, only to be met with a hard look from my dad. Sighing, i slowly stepped down. He hates it when I go all in for my job. But it's what I do! He knows I won't back down until I get the real story.

"Promise you'll be safe. No snooping around the bank." Smiling, i hugged him. He's such a worry wart. All hell broke loose this morning and he would do anything to keep me home. But he knows that won't happen. He can't guard me or protect me forever. And I hate doing it to him because I know he can't help it. But I have to spread my wings and fly sometime.

"I will dad don't worry. I won't go near the bank today." The bank robbery just happened this morning and the GCPD are investigating it. Apparently a bunch of men with masks stole a ton of money and then got away in a school bus. Very weird choice for a get away vehicle. But whatever floats their boat.

"Bella, your coat. It's awfully chilly today." Smiling, i took the coat from Alfred, hugging him. What would I do without this man? Catch a cold and die. That's what. He's the best.

"Thank you. Now dad, don't work to hard. And please don't drive Alfred and Mr. Fox crazy." Alfred grinned, while dad gave a mock glare. Laughing, i went out to my car and began my journey to work.

I made it to work. And in one piece. Couldn't ask for much else. Stepping out of the car, i headed for the Gotham Times building, my home away from home.

"Bella!" Turning towards the voice, i was met with the smile of my best friend Sophie. Sophie Parker has been my friend since we were both little kids. And we both had our dream job together. It's pretty great.

"So, what have you thought about the robbery?" I sighed, my head already hurting from the mere sound of another question about the robbery. This is going to be a long day Wayne. Get used to it.

"Honestly, i don't know. I mean, sure, Gotham isn't exactly known for being safe. But still. It's starting to get crazy." Sophie agreed. The crime rate only keeps going up. But what can you do?

I went up to my office while Sophie stopped for some coffee before going to her desk. I entered my office to see Ed, my supervisor. I knew he'd already be one step ahead of everyone this morning. One break out and he's all in. It's rather admirable.

"Heard about the bank robbery?" I sighed, deciding to sit down. For goodness sakes people. How could I not have heard...? Everyone keeps reminding me.

"Who hasn't?" Ed laughed, noting my annoyed tone as he simply smiled, folding his arms in his usual business like manner. He's a good boss honestly. He's fun to be around and actually doesn't tear your head off for the craziest things.

"True. So i have a new interview for you to do." Oh. Finally. A new one. I usually do the interviews around here along with Sophie. We just share the interviews, helps us get done by the deadline much faster.

"Who for?" Ed smiled a little as he riffled through some papers clutched in his hands, reading over something as he finally looked back up at me.

"Harvey Dent. I figured you'd be perfect for it." I smiled. I've heard alot about him through Rachel Dawes, a long time friend of my dad's. She's also the assistant DA. Harvey is a pretty good guy. He's the new DA and plans on doing a lot of changes for Gotham. Hopefully good ones.

"I'm on it." Ed grinned, then walked back to his office. I jumped up and grabbed my notebook and necessary thing's that i'd need, when a man walked into the office. I stopped in surprise upon seeing him.

He had scars on both sides of his mouth. In the shape of a smile i noted. His hair is blonde with a hint of green in it. He laughed upon seeing my face.

"Is it the scars?" I shook my head upon hearing his voice. Then smiled. He is kinda cute... and here I am looking like a total idiot by staring.

"Not at all! They're actually very lovely on you...." He looked shocked, then grinned, a humored grin it would seem. But still appearing to look as if he was knocked off guard.

"Don't hear that often. Really, not at all." Grinning, i instantly extended my hand towards him, feeling oddly familiar with this man. Something about him....

"Bella." He seemed to grin, a humored grin upon my words as he firmly shook my hand back, an unknown look flashing through his eyes.


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