🔥Let's Put A Smile On That Face🔥

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So Jack just basically went on GCN, taking Mike Engle hostage, saying he's going to take over Gotham. I just don't think I can do this. He's already killed so many people. But it's not like he's going to listen to me.

I just hope whatever he has planned next, Batman can save the people involved, while keeping himself safe. Gotham is in a state of chaos. They have military men securing Gotham. As best as they can anyway.

I don't know what to except honestly. But that's the thing about Joker. You never know what to expect from him. He's not a man with a plan, as he's told. He's basically turned every cellphone in Gotham into a microphone. Rigged it to where he can see all of Gotham.

They had everyone boarding boats, trying to evacuate as many people as possible. This is just getting out of hand. And luckily this morning, I got a call from Sophie, letting me know she was okay. I couldn't be happier about that.

She's been with her family the whole time, making sure they're safe. Where she should be. Ed's safe as well, with his wife and their two kids.

And as for me, Jack still owes me a talk. May not be the perfect timing, but after this, there may not be another chance.We were currently at his little hideout, sitting around on a couch, him watching the cams he has on the city, and me just staring at him.

He finally turned his head to me, giving me a sigh, then a grunt. I wasn't backing down so easily. And he knew it. And hated it. It was rather funny honestly.

"I don't understand whyyy... you need to be so difficult Bella." I huffed, sending him a look. And I don't understand why you have to be so difficult Jack dear. But I don't question it.

"I just don't get you Jack. I know nothing about you, except what I'm seeing now. But yet, you know just about everything there is to know about me I imagine." He looked back at the cams, clearly lost in thought, then turned back to me, looking me in the eyes. My breathing hitched. He had a dark look in his eyes. One i'd never seen before.

"You know... I didn't have the uh.. good life growing up. I lived in the narrows. And my parents.. They didn't get along really. And you see... he just wanted to control her. So one day, she decides to leave. But oh no... daddy didn't like that. Not one bit. Soooo.. he grabbed a knife, going after her when she was leaving...." He looked so completely lost, his eyes darkening even more with each word he spoke to me with this story and I felt my heart racing so fast as he had suddenly gotten so close to me.

"Jack..." His eyes were manic and wild. He looked.... gone. Broken. His past haunting him more than he'll ever admit.

"No!!!" I jumped. He isn't joking. And somehow, I couldn't believe it. He's opening up to me....?

"Sooo... he stabbed her. Multiple times. I was walking down the road, when I heard screaming. So I ran to the house, and went in.. only to see blood everywhere, and him holding a bloody knife.." I gently grabbed his hand, causing him to flinch. I went to pull back, but he grabbed my hand, relaxing a bit. How my touch alone could calm this mystery of a man is beyond me. But i rather like it.

"He saw me, and came at me with the knife, grinning, his eyes black as night. And you know what he did?" I just shook my head, holding my breath the whole time. That darkness still shining brightly in his eyes like a black void wanting to swallow me up.

"He grabbed me by the head, and stuck the blade in my mouth.. and he says... why so serious??" I flinched. I knew where this was going. His scars.....

"So then he says, let's put a smile on that face! And then he carved away, leaving me with these." He raised his hair off his face, licking his scars. Tears welled up in my eyes as i brought my hand to his face, gently tracing the scars. His face hardened, looking me in the eyes.

"Jack...You should know that your scars? They are a part of you. And that's all that matters to me. You. And everything about you." His face softened a bit, his eyes looking around the room. I gently brought his face back to mine. I know he could kill me at any given time. But somehow, I felt.... safe with him. Home.

"I understand the need for revenge Jack..." He just stared at me. He didn't know anything about my mom honestly. And I know that. He seemed to actually respect some of my part by not digging that far. And I really appreciated that because my mom meant the world to me. I didn't get the chance to know her well. But the memories I managed to make, I'll always cherish.

"My mom... She was killed by a mobster. Maroni. Her brother had a falling out with him, basically he betrayed Maroni. So he went after anyone that meant anything to him. Meaning my mom. I was five when it happened. And my dad did everything in his power to protect her. And me. But he's only one man that can only do so much. He has never understood that." I had tears running down my face. Jack had such a rough life compared to mine. And no one seems to get that he has a story for the way he is.

I understand his need for revenge. I never got the chance to know my mom very well. Because of mobster scum that has nothing better to do than ruin others lives.

Jack gently wiped the tears from my face, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He understood. On a whole other level from anyone else.

"So we're both pretty insane then.." I just looked at him, then grinned. He did the same. I couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

"I guess so." Then I got to thinking. I wonder if his dad got his in the end? I hope because if not....

"So, is your dad..." Jack seemed to know just what I was thinking as an evil glint shown in his eyes, that look I know all too well from him.

"Dead? Yes." That's all I needed to know. Good. He deserved it. Honestly.

"Good. He deserved it." Jack laughed. Hearing me say that probably brought so much hope into his dark heart.

"Finally! Another person that understands my insanity." I grinned at him. He gently brought his hand to my face, running his thumb softly over my cheek. I looked up at him, giving him a little smile.

His eyes flickered to my lips, then he roughly pulled me to him, kissing me. A kiss I've never had before. So full of passion. Need. Lust. And as he pulled back, I couldn't help but breath out in bliss, seeing him giving me a curious grin.

"What are you doing to me Bell..." I grinned. I don't know. But I want to find out.

"What are you doing to me?"

Lovely Scars {A Heath/Joker Story}Where stories live. Discover now