🔥Crazed City🔥

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I went with Ramirez and Stephens to give Barbara the news. And I hated these feelings that wouldn't go away. Sadness, confusion, anger. It's too much. We got to the house and Barbara saw us coming, opening the door before we reached it. From the look on her face, she knew something was wrong.

"No...." And my heart broke in two all over again. I never wanted this day to come.

"I'm sorry Barbara" I looked down to see Jimmy walk up, looking at us all. I started to well up. He looked so confused. And it killed me. I gently grabbed Barbara's arm, pulling her in for a hug, patting her back as she cried.

"If there's anything we can do, we're here for you" I felt utterly terrible for Jim's family. He loved them so much. And they loved him. It makes me sad to see all this happening. It never should have.

"Are you happy? Are you? You brought this craziness on us!! You did!! You brought this on us..."I moved to look behind me, seeing dad up above, looking at the ground. If only they just realized that he is doing more than they think. He's trying to protect everyone. But he's just one man. He can't do this all alone.

And it's just breaking him. That's why he thinks Harvey could do justice for Gotham. More than he could. But he doesn't realize either, that when the cards are down, everyone will realize just how much Batman has tried to do for everyone.

And they will feel sorry for ever doubting him. But for now, he's just a vigilante to them. Their afraid of what they don't know.

I looked back to Jimmy, seeing him staring up at me. The Gordon's are such a good family. They don't need this kind of pain. Or any for that matter. I gently let Barbara go, giving her a little smile, then bent down to Jimmy's level.

"You okay bud?" He looked up behind me at my dad, then back. Then hugged me, the tightest hug imaginable. And all I wanted to do was break down. But I wanted to be strong for this kiddo.

"You call me if you need me okay? And I will come right over." He gave a little smile, still looking slightly confused about what was going on.

"In a flash?" I grinned. Always for this little squirt.

"In a flash."


I watched as dad put his boomerangs up, staring at the Batman outfit. He was going to turn himself in. To try and protect people. He also told me that Rachel was the next target. And Alfred burned anything that could lead back to Lucius or Rachel.

"People are dying Alfred, what would you have me do?" Alfred got a thoughtful look on his face. Even in times like this, Alfred knows how to handle things. He knows when to stay strong and not back down. That's why he's one of the best men I've ever know. That's where I get it from.

"Endure, Master Wayne. Take it. They'll hate you for it, but that's the point of Batman. He can be the outcast. He can make the choice, that no one else can make. The right choice." That's right. Batman is supposed to be a symbol of hope. And he is to a lot of people. The events happening all around him or not his fault. Dad never meant for any of this to happen. He didn't tell Joker to cause destruction over him.

"Alfred is right dad. Batman to them is a strange figure that they're not used to. They honestly don't know what to think of him. When it comes to people that they just don't understand, they look at them like they are the enemy. But you have to show them that you're not." He looked at me, then back to Alfred. He knows we're right. But dad is so stubborn. But he does it for a reason. He doesn't want anyone getting hurt. That's not what he's about. He's not the villain here.

"Well today I found out what Batman can't do. He can't endure this. Today you get to say I told you so." No. Not happening. There's not reason to. Batman can't do everything. He's human, like us. He bleeds. Like us. And that's a fact I remind him oh so often about because I can't risk losing my father. Ever.

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