🔥Everything Burns🔥

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Remember when I said that someone else could be dead that I care about? I was right. Rachel is dead. And Harvey is in the hospital, one part of his face is completely messed up from the fire. And all because I didn't say a word.

Jack switched the addresses around, knowing dad would go after Rachel first. But they didn't make it in time. I didn't know what I was feeling at this moment. Rachel was a good friend to us. She's always been there for me when I needed her. And for dad. And now she's gone. I can only imagine how dad is feeling.

He's sitting in his seat, looking out the big windows overlooking Gotham. And Alfred is holding a letter. From Rachel. They had such a complicated relationship. But Rachel always did love him. 

And after reading it, he looked down at the ground, putting the letter up. He got up, bringing a tray of breakfast for dad over to him, sitting it on the little table next to him with a little sigh escaping his lips. 

Look. I know i keep making excuses. Saying how i let people get hurt. Die. And i didn't say a word. I feel bad it happened. But did nothing. And i know this. I am a horrible person for it and i know that. I want to do the right thing. But Jack.... 

"Prepared a little breakfast." Alfred stared at dad, but he continued to look out the window, lost in his own thoughts. He was somewhere far away and i didn't know if he'd ever come back from it. I hate seeing my dad this way. 

"Very well then." Dad looked up at Alfred with a pleading look on her face, seeming distraught over the whole sistuation. And if i know my dad, he's blaming himself. 

"Alfred.." Alfred looked at dad in question, clearly surprised dad even said anything. 

"Yes Master Wayne." Dad looked at him with so much pain on his face that it broke my heart. I put that look on his face. This is my fault. Not his. But yet, why did i never say anything? Maybe, just maybe, i like the chaos Jack is bringing. Or maybe, i'm just bipolar! 

"Did I bring this on her? I was meant to inspire good, not madness, not death." I sighed, feeling so bad for him. It's not his fault bad things happen. People always blame him for it. But he's not. He's meant to be a beacon of hope. Not utter madness. 

"You have inspired good. But you have spat in the faces of Gotham's criminals. You think there might be some casualties. Things are always going to get worse before they got better." A lot worse i'm afraid.... 

"But Rachel, Alfred." I just looked down at the ground. Dads in so much pain, and it's killing me. He'll never come back from this. And i know it. 

"Rachael believed in what you stood for. What we stand for. Gotham needs you." Alfred picked up the Bat mask, setting it in dads lap as dad simply looked at it like it was a monster. Like he couldn't stand another minute with it. 

"No Gotham needs its true hero. And I let that murdering psychopath...blow him half to hell." I looked up at them, feeling so much guilt. Tears welled in my eyes. Why am I doing this? I let this happen. And I didn't do a damn thing! And now Rachel is gone and will never come back. Because I let this happen. Because I love Jack.

"Which is why for now, they're gonna have to make due with you." Dad simply looked away, thinking of i can only imagine what, his heart broken. 

"She was gonna wait for me Alfred." He looked up at Alfred, tears in his eyes. I never see him cry. He's always so strong. 

"Dent doesn't know. He can never know." Alfred looked down at the breakfast tray, staring at the note. Then took it. Maybe its best. I feel like dad would completely lose it if he saw it. 

"What's that?" Alfred simply shook his head with a smile, trying to cover his emotions. Trying to be strong for dad. 

"It can wait." Alfred turned to me, giving me a reassuring smile as he patted my shoulder, making me feel a tad bit better. I honestly can't imagine my life without Alfred. 

"He will be okay Bella. He's a tough man." I just sighed. Believe me i know. But... there's only so much one person can take before they're sent completely over the edge. 

"Even tough men break every once and a while." He stared at me, then gave me a hug. Once Alfred left, I walked over to dad. He looked up at me with a sad smile on his lips. 

"You know, Alfred is right dad." Dad looked at me, giving me a confused looked.

"About what?" I sat on the arm rest next to him, sighing slightly. 

"About Gotham needing you." He sighed. I know he doesn't believe me. But he will soon enough i feel. 

"Bella.." I shushed him,clearly surprising him. But i can't sit here and let him think of himself in that way. Like he's the bad guy. 

"No dad. He's right. They need you. Even though you think they don't, they really do. You are the Batman. A symbol of hope. To many." He looked back outside, clearly not wanting to hear this. But knowing i wont stop until he truly listens. I get it from him after all. 

"Remember the man that dressed up as you? Bryan Douglas? He believed in you. And for a good reason. You are a hero dad. Without you, this city will go to ruin. Yeah, maybe Dent can do some good. But not like you. So don't give up on Batman. We still need him." He looked back at me, then rose from his chair as he pulled me in for a long hug, kissing the top of my head, making me go back to much simpler times in our lives.

"You're my hero dad. All my life you've protected me." I sighed, feeling a wave of sadness pass over me. Batman means a lot to this city. And so does Bruce Wayne. But he's my dad. He will always be my hero. No matter what. 

"When mom was killed.... You made sure to keep me safe from the things out there you knew would hurt me. But, as I've gotten older, I realized what that is. People. We all have a dark side. Some more than others." He pulled back some, looking at me in agreement. But also, pride. He did raise me good. He did all the right things a dad could possibly do that was single and alone raising a daughter. And i'll forever be grateful for that. 

"I remember when you were little, I never wanted you out of my sight. Afraid that something would happen to you. But you've grown to be a beautiful woman Bella. And I want you to continue to be able to grow." I gave him a little grin. Then gave him a serious look. I'm certainly not going anywhere. He wouldn't get that lucky. 

"But please dad, listen to us. Don't hide Batman away. Who cares what people think? In the end, they're going to be thanking you for saving them. If they're smart, they will realize, that's all you've been trying to do. Protect this city." Dad gave me a little smile. He knows i'm right. 


I sighed in relief once i sat down with dad and Alfred, feeling comfy for the first time in forever. And i noticed them watching the tv intensely, seeing Mike Engel's on the tv, taking a call with god only knows who. Maybe this peaceful feeling wouldn't last long after all... 

"Who is this?" I sat forward in my seat upon hearing deep breathing coming from the end of the line, feeling my heart pick up its pace from who i can only assume it is. 

"I had a vision.. of a world without.. Batman." Jack. And i looked down at dad, my eyes growing wide as he seemed focused solely on what was happening. 

"The mob ground out a little profit and the police tried to shut them down, one block at a time. And it was soooo.. boring. I've had a change of heart. I don't want Mr Reese spoiling everything. Why should iii have all the fun? Let's give someone else a chance. If Coleman Reese isn't dead, in 60 minutes, then I blow up a hospital." No.... Jack no... And the one he will go for.. Is the one with Harvey in it. Dad jumped up out of his seat, heading for the elevator, clearly ready for battle as he looked to Alfred and i. 

" I need you plugged in checking Gordon's men, and their families." Alfred looked to dad as they got in the elevator together, his eyes just as serious as dads. 

"Look for.." Dad seemed truly upset. Hopefully our talk made him see what i was saying is true now. 

"Hospital admissions." I ran into the elevator with him. I needed to find Jack. And now.

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