🔥Mr. Wayne (Memories)🔥

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Seeing that headline on tv, 'Batman Dead?', is something I've always feared. I just can't imagine it.. Losing my dad. I've already lost my mom. I can't lose him also. He's been here for me through everything. He's truly my hero. More than he knows...

I ran to my room once mommy and daddy brought me in the house, feeling sad. How could that.. that mean man hurt Jack like that? He didn't do anything wrong. Is he not aloud to play? My mommy and daddy always let me play. They're never mean to me. I sat down at my little table, holding my doll, laying my head on hers.

"Bell? Honey?" I turned around, seeing daddy standing there. He looked worried.

"What's wrong? Why did you run away?" I looked down at my doll, slowly putting her back in the chair.

"Daddy, why was that man so mean to Jack?" Daddy sighed, walking over to me, lowering down next to me.

"I don't know sweetie. Sometimes, people are mean. Even to their kids." I didn't understand. Parents are supposed to love their kids.

"But.. But he's supposed to love him. And Jack didn't do anything wrong. It was my fault daddy. I asked him to play. Because he looked so sad." Daddy extended his arms out as I ran right into them.

"Honey. Sometimes people aren't nice. They never are. They take their anger out on people. Even the ones they're supposed to love more than anything. Jack sadly has parents that are like that." I softly cried. That's horrible! Why doesn't everyone have good parents?

"It's not fair daddy. Why can't he have parents like you and mommy and Alfred?" Daddy pulled back, softly wiping my tears away with a sad little smile on his lips.

"I don't know honey. I wish he did." But Daddy smiled a little in a proud way.

"You did something amazing for him today. You made him smile. And let him have fun. That's something I imagine he'll never forget." I grinned, hugging daddy. I really hope so..


I smiled thinking of that. And then when mom died, it killed dad. Killed me. He was always so strong for me. Even when all he wanted to do was break down.

After mommy's funeral, my face hurt so bad. My eyes hurt. My chest hurt. I held Alfred's hand walking inside the house. Ever since mommy has been gone, I couldn't stop having nightmares. Or hearing screams.

I miss mommy. Daddy came walking in behind us, slowly, looking around. Mommy died here. Right here. I remember hearing yelling.

I awoke, hearing screams. Really loud ones. I had walked halfway down the stairs, slowly stopping, peeking down. I saw mommy. She looked so scared. And a man with an evil glint in his eyes. With a gun.

My heart was racing so fast. I started to cry. Daddy came running to mommy, Alfred right behind him, right when the man pulled the trigger, a loud boom noise echoing around the room. I jumped, screaming. I cried, running down the stairs. Daddy saw me, his eyes widening.

"Bella! No!" Alfred tried to grab me, but I kept running until I reached mommy, falling to her side.

"Mommy!" I cried and cried and cried as the big man looked down at me, smirking.

"I'm sorry kid. But this is what happens in life. You mess with the wrong people, someone has to die." The man ran off, leaving daddy, Alfred and I there.I looked down at mommy, seeing her looking at me. Daddy held her hand while Alfred ran, looking out the door for the man.

"Mommy.." Mommy brought her hand to my face smiling a little.

"It's okay Bell love." I looked at daddy, crying. We have to save her! We can save her! Please....

"Bruce, please, take good care of my Bell. And yourself. Please." Alfred came running back over, a sad look on his face. Why aren't we moving....? We can get her help! Mommy needs help!

"He's gone." Mommy looked at Alfred, taking slow breaths.

"It's okay. I love you all. Very much.." Mommy's eyes slowly closed. No.... no please!

"Mommy? Mommy!" I cried, gently pushing mommy's shoulder. She wouldn't move. Daddy pulled me into him, laying his face into my hair, softly crying.


I looked at the stairs, then at Alfred, then daddy, seeing him looking at me. I went over to him, gently hugging him.

"I love you daddy." He hugged me back, tightly.

"I love you too princess." I slowly pulled back, kissing his cheek as Daddy softly smiled.

"Thank you Bell.." I gave Alfred a hug and kiss as well, then went up to my room, laying down on my bed, holding the doll mommy had just gave me a few days ago. I named her Elizabeth. After mommy. I smiled, holding her tight.

I still remember how strong dad was. Even through all that. He's always been a strong man. He's held me together, even when I wanted to fall apart. I instantly called him, him picking up two rings later as a happy sigh escaped me.

"Bell! Are you okay?" I laughed in relief. Yup. That's my dad.

"Of course. I just.. I just wanted to say hi." I heard dad laugh a little like he was confused, but didn't want to question it.

"Hi. Are you sure you're okay?" I grinned a little from his worried tone, making me feel warm all over. My dad is a true gem. The best dad a girl could have.

"Pinky promise." Dad laughed.

"Okay. I'll see you later tonight." I smiled.

"Bye dad. Love you." I should call like this more often.

"I love you too Bell." I sighed, smiling a little. Everything's okay.


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter.

I thought it was finally time to give you more insight on Bella's mom and what happened.

Thank you for reading! Love you guys. ❤️

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