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"Stay out of the way! All of you! I don't want anything for his mob lawyer to use do you understand?" We just arrived at the police station  and I'm already not feeling right about it. The only good thing at the moment is that Jim is alive and well. And then I see Jack, just sitting there calmly, tapping his fingers on his knee. He looks at me once I come into view, giving me a little grin. I give a little wave, making sure no one sees. I'm happy to see him to be honest.

"Back from the dead?" The mayor gave Jim a little smile, shaking his hand. Exactly what I was thinking. I was so stressed out about Jim. I honestly had thought he was dead. And i felt terrible. I wanted to tell someone what i knew. But i didn't. And i felt like a horrible person for it.

"Couldn't risk my family's safety." I smiled at Jim. He's a good man. Like I said before, his family is his life. He loves them dearly. And the mayor smiled with an understanding smile, then turned his gaze towards Jack.

"Who do we got?" Jim shook his head, sighing in annoyance. He couldn't figure him out either. That's the hardest part for me.

"Nothing. No matches on prints, DNA, dental. Clothing is custom, no labels. Nothing in his pockets but knifes and lent. No name. No other aleis." I just stared at Jack while they talked. I knew his first name. But the hell if I was ever telling anyone it. But that's all I have. He hasn't told me much about himself really. He's honestly just as much of a mystery to me as he is to them. But he had to have come from somewhere. He has to have a family of some sort. At one point anyway.

The mayor simply sighed, know everyone had a long night ahead.He looked as if he wanted to shake Jack and get answers. I did also. Not that he'd tell us anyhow.

"Go home Gordon, that clown will keep till morning. Go get some rest. You're gonna need it. Tomorrow you take the big job." Jim gave him a confused look. And honestly, so did i. What was he talking about? I'm pretty sure he's had a really big job lately already.

"You don't have any say in the matter, commissioner Gordon." Everyone started to clap. I just looked at the mayor with a shocked face. And then grinned. Jim deserves this. He's put so much on the line and has done a damn good job of protecting this city the best that he possibly can.

 I clapped along with everyone, grinning at Jim. He was still in shock. I just laughed at the look on his face. Everyone turned around, seeing Jack clapping. I held back a laugh. He noticed, giving me a little smirk.


Jim went on home like the mayor advised. But I decided to hang around for a while. Mainly just to keep an eye on Jack. Some of these cops I don't trust. And I'm hoping to eventually get to talk to him without having people snooping around. But we'll see.

A couple of cops came up behind me, putting a man into the cell. He looked pretty sick. And they clearly didn't care.

"I don't feel good..." He looked like he was going to throw up. And i did not want to be around for that one. What the hell happened to this guy?

"You're a cop killer. You're lucky to be feeling anything below the neck." Damn... So that's what. And the cops wouldn't stop giving him menacing looks. They wanted to tear him apart. But the guy suddenly started going wild on the bars, pulling and tugging like they'd give.

"Please!!" The cops went into full guard mode with their guns pointed out to scare the man back, getting pissed.

"Step away from the bars!" The guy shook his head in pain. He was doubled over. His face was pale white. I think this guy might just die himself.

"My insides hurt." I walked up to the cell, the men giving me a look. Yes I know, they don't want me near the cell because they're afraid something might happen. I'm tougher than I look fellas. Don't worry.

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