🔥The Beautiful Miss Wayne🔥

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What is the point of school anyway? These people in this town are just so... judgmental. Yes, I have a father that's always drunk. And my mother is apparently a whore. And i live in the Narrows. The worst part of Gotham. But, it goes with my life.

Moving away form the.. depressing thoughts. My amaaaaaazing father, put me into this school further into Gotham. The rich part. Can you believe it? Meeee? Noooo. I don't fit. That's for sure. And of course, it's the school the big Wayne family has been going to for years.

Wayne's daughter, Bella, I think it is, goes here. I haven't seen her yet. But honestly, I doubt she'd come near me. The troubled, no good boy from the Narrows. But the damage I could do to her...


Leaving school everyday is always a joy. I walked out, going my usual long route towards home, when a nice looking car came driving up in front of the school. One of Wayne's cars.

"I'll see you tomorrow Bella! Gotta run!" A brown haired boy came running towards me, looking to be in a rush. Then bumped right into me. Really? Could you not see me here?

"Sorry!" Then he continued on. Ooookaay... I turned around upon hearing laughter, seeing a girl looking my way, shaking her head. That must be Miss Wayne. Brown hair, blue eyes. What a sight. She knows how to capture someone's attention.

I kept staring, not even realizing she was looking right at me. She smiled a little, then got into the car. I watched the car as it pulled away, until it was out of sight. Then smirked, continuing on home. I feel a lot is coming for us...

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