🔥Masked Vigilante 🔥

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"So Jack, what can i do for you?" He grinned as I simply looked him over, growing a slight interest in this scared man standing in front of me, wondering how on earth he got scars in those spots. I can't even imagine....

"Weeell... I'm what you call.. new around here. And thought, what better place to start than here." I looked at him, confused. Why start here...? There are so many other places around Gotham that he could go and learn about this gloomy city. But then again, I'm not really complaining.

"The paper?" He laughed, a big laugh from the tone of my voice as a little look flashed through his eyes, one I couldn't read all too well, seeing a bit of humor mixed with it.

"Yes. You see, you can learn a lot from the paper." I looked at him a little, before a little grin etched on to my lips, making him smile a tad as I nodded my head. Okay, maybe he's right.

"Fair enough." Jack grinned, then looked down at his side, staring at something with a wide eyed stare, my gaze following as he suddenly looked back up at me, that big grin coming to his lips.

"Well, it's been wonderful Miss Wayne. But duty calls!" What? He's going to leave..? Why...? And what could he have even been looking at? Certainly not a cell.

"Okay..... But..." Suddenly, he bolted out the door as I leaned out the door frame to see him already gone, like he was never here, my mouth hanging wide open from surprise and confusion.

"What about the paper...?" But finally, I just ran out of the office hoping to see him somewhere else, but he was no where in sight. What a strange man....

Shaking my head, i went back into my office, wondering who in the world this man is. And where he came from.
As I drove home from work, my mind was still thinking about that man at the office. Jack. And his scars. To most people they'd be creepy. But for some reason, i found them intriguing. There's a story behind those scars. And I really want to know what that story is....

My thoughts drifted away once i reached home, noticing my dad coming out the house towards my car as I put it in park and jumped out upon stopping, meeting up with him with a little smile coming to my lips. After a long day of crazy filled people, it's nice to see my dads warm, smiling face.

"Hey Dad." He gave me his normal grin that all the girls of Gotham can't get enough of, making me chuckle a tad as he rolled his eyes, knowing the reason for the chuckle, making it even funnier. We love to tease each other. Great dad and daughter bonding time.

"Hey yourself sweet pea." I grinned from the little name he's called me since I was the mere age of five, when I noticed the snazzy suit he was wearing, making me wiggle my eyebrows as I looked him over.Here we go....

"Date?" He laughed a little as his eye rolled once more, making me laugh once again. I love teasing him over women.  Always do.

"Just dinner. Have you ate?" Are you kidding? I barley got a break today. So the answer is no to that one. And I'm feeling it. My god, my stomach has never made such noises before.

"No. And believe me, my stomach is letting me know that fact." Dad laughed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, giving me a little hug as we walked towards his car parked a little ways down the drive, making me smile.

"Well come on."
"This is such a beautiful restaurant. I need to come here more often." I decided to tag along for the night with dad and this girl. She seemed nice enough about it. We were getting taken to a table, when dad stopped upon seeing Rachel Dawes and Harvey Dent, making me roll my eyes. Of course he's going to bother them. Because why not right?

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