🔥Little Monsters (Memories)🔥

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Mommy and daddy swung me around, smiling at each other. I looked up at them, giggling. After daddy got home from work, they decided to go to the park. And I wouldn't go without Alfred. So he tagged along as well. It looks so pretty outside today!The park is full of families. They sat at the picnic table under the tree. And I took off for the swings.

"Bell honey! Please be careful!" I waved at mommy, then sat in the swing, swinging as high as I could! I looked around the park, seeing a little boy my age, with what looked to be his mommy. He looked so sad. I frowned.

I jumped out of the swing, heading in that direction. Daddy, Mommy and Alfred saw me, following close behind. The boy looked up at me when I stopped, grinning at him.

"Hi!" His eyes widened. He looked surprised.

"Hello.." He looked so sad and lost. Maybe he just needs someone to play with!

"Do you wanna play?" He looked back at his mommy, seeing that she was slumped over the table, head covered. I frowned.

"Is your mommy okay?" He looked back at me, seeming so lost again.

"I don't know. She won't talk to me." I simply just put on a grin as I felt sad for him. Why is his mommy ignoring him?

"Well, we could play while she sleeps!" He grinned a little.

"Okay." I extended my hand, him taking it instantly. Mommy came over, seeing us.

"Bell, who's this?" I looked at him, shrugging.

"Jack." Mommy crouched down, grinning at him.

"Hi Jack. I'm Ava." Jack gave her a smile. Then he looked at me.

"Your names Bell?" I grinned with happiness taking over me. He's happy! It's working!

"It's Bella. Everyone just calls me Bell." He smiled.

"Bell.. I like that name." I blushed a little. Then took off running for the Merry-Go-Round.

"Cmon Jack!" He grinned, taking off after me. We both reached it at the same time, jumping on. He smirked a little.

"Hang on!" He spun us around, super fast, making me laugh. I looked across at him, seeing him grinning so big. I really like him.

"Jack!! Get your ass off that thing and come on!" I jumped, almost losing my balance, when a big man came stalking over, looking mad. Daddy and Alfred came running over, grabbing me.

"Jack, you better never leave your precious mommy sitting there again! You hear me?!" He shook Jack, making me cry.

"Yes dad!" Why is this man being so mean? I got out of Alfred's grip, running to Jack. Jack saw me, shaking his head no. I stopped, watching him walk away with his dad. Jack waved at me, fear written on his face. I waved back, feeling sad. I turned back, seeing Daddy, Mommy and Alfred staring at them.

"Daddy, why is that man so mean?" Daddy shook his head, looking angry.

"I don't know Bell. Some men just like to be monsters." I turned back around, seeing Jack and his parents had disappeared. I frowned.

"Can we go now?" Mommy smiled a little, taking my hand.

"Let's go home." I hope Jacks okay....

{Hey guys! I know this is a random update. But I had this on my mind all day and had to write it down. And seriously, how could you not love a little Heath! Enjoy!} :D

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