🔥Boating Fun🔥

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We are currently in the Prewitt building, watching over the two boats, one filled with ordinary Gotham citizens, and the other filled with prisoners. And Joker has set up bombs in them. In each boat he placed a detonator for the bombs. And I'm pretty nervous. I don't want anymore people to die just so Jack can prove a point. But there's no stopping the Joker. And what am I even saying to be honest? I'm not exactly sane myself.

"Tonight you're all going to be apart of a social experiment." I'm standing next to him, looking out at the boats, shaking a little. These people have got to be scared out of their minds.

"I'm ready right now to blow you all sky high." I was brought back from my thoughts upon hearing him. I looked over at him, worry written all over my face. This is the first time I've ever been apart of something this big.

"If anyone attempts to get off their boat, you all die. Each of you has a remote. Blow up the other boat." I looked out over the city, looking for my dad. I knew he was coming. And soon. Mr Fox is helping him to find Jack. And it won't be hard with the technology Wayne Enterprises has.

"At midnight, I blow you all up. If however, one of you presses the button I'll let that boat live. Sooo who's it gonna be? Harvey Dents most wanted scumbag collection ooor, the sweet innocent civilians? You choooose. Oh, and you might want to decide quickly because the people on the other boat may not be quit so noble." Jack turned the mic off, turning to me with his serious look he's been giving me a lot lately. He knows I'll be okay. But he's always testing me because he sees something in me I haven't fully accepted yet.

"Jack why? Why let these people suffer?" He sighed deeply, shaking his head. Then grinned. He knows I won't run screaming from him because he's reeled me in.

"Because it's what I do doll." I looked at the poor people on the boats, then back with a little sigh escaping me as I stepped closer to Jack, grabbing his hand.

"I feel like this is it Jack." He looked confused. He wasn't going down that easily. And I knew it. But I also just knew this would be it and he'd be captured. I don't want to lose him though. That's my problem. Maybe I am a bad guy. But I just can't. He's the best thing to happen to me in so long. How can I just let it go?

"Oh no doll you see... I'm not giving up on you. It doesn't matter what may or may not happen, I'm not letting you go." I just sighed. He's thinking the same thing I am. And it hurts my heart. I know I'm in deep. Way too deep to turn back. And honestly, I don't really want to.

" I don't want to lose you Jack." I don't think anyone has ever said that to him judging by the look on his face. But he looked so amused by my words as he laughed, his confident laugh. He knew somehow, it would work itself out.

"Oh you won't." He lifted my chin up, giving me a little look, then gently kissed me. I teared up a little. He does things to me no one else could. And he pulled back, wiping my tears away.

"Don't cry doll. I can't stand to see my Bell cry." His Bell?? He's never called me that. It's rather cute coming from such a mean ass villain huh?

"So that makes you my Joker?" He grinned, giving me that laugh I loved so much.

" I guess so my dear. But don't get cocky." I just grinned. Oh don't worry. I wouldn't dream of it dear.

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