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I pulled up to the hospital, seeing cops running everywhere, bringing out patients, loading them into school buses like the world was coming to an end and that's when my suspensions were answered. Yup, Jacks here.

I snuck around the cops, going unnoticed into the hospital, heading for Harvey's floor just trying not to get caught. Once I reached his room, I looked into the window to see a red headed nurse standing there, holding a folder. I slowly opened the door. Okay. Not trying to be rude. But this woman looks weird as hell.

"Are they bringing him out.." She turned around, and my mouth dropped open. Jack. In a nurse uniform. With a red wig. What in the hell... He went to point the gun at me, then noticed it was me, instantly pulling it back with a look of surprise taking over his face. But he seemed humored none the less.

"Bella?!?" I looked at him, wide eyed. I really want to know the back story for this choice of outfit. Even dressed as a nurse to blend in he doesn't honestly. He sticks out like a sore thumb.

"Jack... What the hell?!?!" He just stared at me. Like this was the most normal thing in the world. And it may be for him. But i just came into this whole new world with him and i am not used to this mess. So please, give me a moment!

"A nurse uniform? Really?" He laughed, practically doing a little pose to show off his oh so perfect body, making me smile a tad in humor.

"Do I look.. thaaaat good?" I couldn't help but grin. I can't take him serious in this outfit. But being serious wasn't a thing of his. I mean look at him!

"Stay with me." I sighed. I don't get why i even bother anymore. I mean to be honest, i'm on the same level of crazy as he is. One minute i let him do whatever the hell he wants and not say a word. But then the next when it's already too late, i decide to say something. Maybe i should be in Arkham as well....

"Look, you can't just go blowing up hospitals. This is horrible! There are people with family's here!" He just looked at me. Then grinned, coming over to me. He grabbed a hold of my arm, dragging me to him. I held my breath. Why does this man make me feel this way...? I barley know him or who he even really is. But yet, it's like I've known him my whole life.

"You crave the chaos Bella. I can see it in you're uh... eyes." He just stared at me. Then smirked, pulling back, knowing he was right as he turned back to Harvey's bed, when I noticed Harvey's face. Oh my gosh. It's like he has two different faces. He's badly burned and just the sight alone made me want to gag.

Jack suddenly pulled off his face mask, causing Harvey to go haywire. He sat down, giving Harvey a grin. I mean, how did Harvey make it? I'm not trying to be morbid or anything. But half of his face was blown off!

"Hiiiii" Harvey jerked up, trying to reach his hands towards him. Jack pulled off the wig, bringing his hair down. Much better. Maybe now i can take him a little more seriously.

"You know... I don't want there to be any hard feelings between us Harvey. When you and.. uh.. Rach.." At just the sound of her name leaving Jack's lips, Harvey looked around in pure agony to see if she was anywhere in sight, making my heart hurt a little.

"Rachel!!!" Harvey screamed, causing me to jump. I feel so bad for him....

"I was sitting in Gordon's cage. I didn't rig those charges." But even from jail he had it all figured out. Like damn.

"Your men, your plan." Harvey looked like he could just rip into Jack. But Jack simply didn't care. He was humored by the whole show he was putting on. And when the final act started, it wasn't going to be pretty.

"Do I really look like a guy with a plan?" I just sighed. He really doesn't. But something always happens when he shows up somewhere. He's a good improviser. Which most Jokers are. Suits him really.

Lovely Scars {A Heath/Joker Story}Where stories live. Discover now