🔥Arkham Asylum🔥

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"Hello Bella. How are you doing today?" I sat in my chair, staring at the lady in front of me. It's not that I don't have anything to say. But really. Why would I tell her anything?

"Bella? You haven't said a word since our first session. That was two weeks ago." You're point? The Doc sighed, giving me a little look, then a grin. She's used to this clearly. Good.

"You know, you have a very special relationship with the Joker. Why not talk a little about that?" I looked up at her, grinning a little. Now there's something I can jump on.

"What do you want to know doc?" She seemed proud to have finally found something that broke me from my silence, making me scoff. Don't get too happy lady. Geez.

"Well, why are you, Bella Wayne, mixed up with a criminal like Joker?" I gave her a death glare. Since they know my dad, they think I'm some miss perfect. Well not anymore.

"You know doc, I may be Bruce Wayne's daughter, but that doesn't mean shit." Her eyes widened a bit. Didn't see that coming, did you doc?

"Well... I" I rolled my eyes in annoyance from another person thinking they know all about me just because of my dad. And that's just it. They don't!

"Look. I know my dad wants me to talk to you. But there's no point. I'm not going to sit here and tell you anything. Why would I?" She looked closely at me, then relaxed a bit, giving me a warm smile.

"You care deeply about him don't you?" I looked at her wide eyed for a moment, taken back by her sudden smile and warmness.

"What?" She chuckled slightly as she got comfortable in her seat, really seeming to be interested in this topic. 

"Joker. You don't want to see anything bad happen to him. Yet he caused so much harm to others. Why?" I looked down at the ground a moment, fiddling my hands together before i slowly looked back at her, my heart beating with the most amazing feeling coursing through me.

"Because... because I love him." And with that, I got up and walked out. I walked further into Arkham, looking at all the cells.

Edward Nygma

Oswald Cobblepot

Selina Kyle

Poison Ivy

Harley Quinn

Jonathan Crane

Harvey Dent

And I finally reached the one I was looking for. Joker. Jack. They had him in one of the last ones in the ward. I've been making stops everytime I come here to see him. And I get along so well with everyone else.

Ed's riddles are just fascinating. I never have understood why no one appreciates what he does. Oswald is pretty tough I must say. He's been through some shit. And still managed to make it through. He's pretty awesome.

Selina loves cats so much. I share in that as well. And she's pretty badass. Harley is cheery and knows how to make people laugh. She's an amazing friend. Ivy can make such beautiful things with her plants.

Jonathan has talked briefly with me about his fear serum. His father created it. And he carried it on. It's pretty remarkable. Of course, he asked me my fears, but I didn't comply.

Harvey. I've known him for so long. Yes, he's much different now. But inside, the Harvey everyone knows is still there. After losing Rachel, and then having this happen to him, I can see why he'd be so angry. Now he's known as Two Face.

And then Jack. The one I always come to see. I walked up to his cell, looking in through the little bared window on the door.

"Joker?" I saw his head pop up instantly, seeing him grinning. I smiled back.

"Well helloooo doll. The doc give you much trouble?" I laughed.

"Nothing I can't handle." He grinned right back at me in humor, knowing how well he's taught me.

"Let me guess, the topic was little ole me?" I smiled. Always dear Jack. Always.

"You guessed right." He smiled, one of his rare ones.

"Aaaaand?" I laughed from his sudden child like voice, feeling content just to be talking to him.

"She asked me why i care so much about you, even after all the chaos. And I told her why." He grinned. I think he knows what I told her. He just wants to really hear me say it.

"And that would be?" He placed his hands on the bars as I wrapped mine around his in an embrace that felt so right.

"I love you. And I don't care what you've done in the past. Or what you do in the future for that matter. I will always love you. You're my Joker." He softly gripped my hands as he sent me the most cute look. He's so deadly and chaotic. But I craved it. All of him.

"I love you Bell. You're mine. And always will be. No one will ever take you from me. If it's the last thing I do." I grinned. I loved the darkness in his voice when he said it

"Hey!!! Let go of her hand. No touching aloud." I turned towards the guard, giving him a death glare. Then turned back to Jack.

"I'll be back. Don't you worry." He smirked.

"Oooh, I won't doll." I turned back to the guard, seeing him with a fearful look on his face.

"Never thought I'd see Bruce Wayne's kid in here." I heard a couple of men talking in the little hang out room they let everyone have free time in. I came upon it, the men stopped talking instantly. I smirked. Well, guess what fellas? Get used to me. Because I'll be here at Arkham more often than you think.

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